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VS Show: No,Your Self Esteem Did Not Leave The Planet

Every year for one or two hours, we are reminded just how insanely we don’t compare when we watch the VS fashion show. We see Candice, Cara, and Karlie strut down the runway in their perfectly toned bodies. It makes us rethink our whole life,you wonder,“Was the Chipotle I ate today really necessary?” We decide that after tonight and after a tub of ice cream we start a new diet tomorrow. Our self-esteem flies out the window quicker than Mary Poppins. It’s okay, because I feel a ping of jealously too when I watch the VS show, but what we fail to realize is well a model’s job is to exercise 24/7 and painfully refrain from Chipotle trips.

Scrolling down my tweet feed everyone is ranting and complaining about how skinny the models are, but what can you expect after all they’re runway models. Don’t feel down because the models you see are skinnier. As teenagers we have school, exams and sports. Our job is to be students, not models.  I will say though, the show is inspirational because it honestly inspires you to get your butt up and exercise. That’s the way we should watch the show, and take that message with us, although we can’t be models or skinny, we can be healthier and more confident. We don’t have to feel inferior because we aren’t toned or tan. Let’s face it; we aren’t taking trips to Jamaica so the tanning possibly is out of the question. I know winter is just a tanning bummer. It really helped that last year VS showed how the models prepared for the big show; they exercised from morning to night, ate a lot of vegetables, and drunk a lot of water.

Next year when you watch the show, I want you to have a new attitude instead of saying, “well my self esteem left the planet”, look at it as a inspiration to be a healthier you.  Don’t feel ashamed the next time you grab a donut, instead grab a dozen of it because unlike models, you don’t have a lot of pressure to be skinny. Look on the bright side; models rarely can eat carbs, so eat carbs in their honor.

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