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Men’s Role In Feminism


Some may think the title “male feminist” is an oxymoron. It is vastly believed that feminism is synonymous with misandry. This misconception has led many to believe that being a “male feminist” is an immense contradiction. But this is incorrect—there are male feminists. We exist. We play an important role in feminism, but we cannot overshadow women in this movement. We must come to understand that we cannot overstep women on women’s issues.

Let me reiterate this concept, because it is EXTREMELY important: even if you are a male feminist, you cannot speak over women on women’s issues. That defeats the entire purpose of feminism. We must work together to reach full intersectional equality.

Male feminists can focus on men’s issue that intersectional feminism deals with. These include the wage gap facing men of color, the demonization of black men, toxic masculinity, the destructive male gender role, and the issues facing transgender men.

But it is also important that men continue to support women in their venues. We cannot place men’s issues above women’s issues either.

It’s important that we work together under the umbrella term feminism so that we can reach true equality. If men understand their role and place in feminism and continue to increase the amount of support for this movement, we will continue to make incredible progress. Feminism is beginning to reach all around the globe; it’s becoming a buzzword for equality—for change. Support is increasing therefore it is essential everyone understand their role.


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