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America, Are You Happy Now?

How many people’s death will it take for you to finally realize that guns and this country DO NOT MIX! We cried when news broke of the shooting at Virginia Tech. We were devastated over the young lives lost at Sandy Hook, constantly shifting our blame from the shooter to the gun that he was granted access to. There have been way too many cases where we were forced to question our second amendment ‘right’. And now, in the wake of the deadliest mass shooting to date, we are once again placed face and face with the pure cruelty of gun violence.

I’d like to believe that we are past the time where you must use a gun to protect yourself during a trip to the grocery store. We live in a country where people are buying guns just for the hell of it. Guns are causing way more evil than good and it’s time that we wake up and see this. We use guns as means to combat our personal domestic issues, whether it is religious beliefs, discrimination, or receiving a bad semester grade.

This desperate attempt to hold on to a clearly outdated part of the constitution has gone too far. Guns are no longer needed for day to day life, and I’m not sure that they were ever really necessary in the first place. Studies prove that mass murders go down when the selling of guns to everyday people is taken out of the equation. Guns are ruining the United States and we have sat down and watched for far too long. Whether it’s watching gun violence tear through the urban streets of Chicago and Compton, or seeing the news report on yet another mass murder every six months- this needs to stop. We are entering a summer where some in Chicago fear for their safety because of the abundance of teens that are carrying guns and wrecking havoc in the city. People that invoke safety concerns should have never gained access to firearms in the first place.

Perhaps we should at least leave the guns to the law enforcement, (although they have a hard time handling their weapons properly also) and step away from causing the next mass murder or hate crime. There are too many people that use this sacred second amendment right to play god and exploit the privilege of carrying a firearm. Too many people have lost their loved one and cried over someone’s safety that should have never been jeopardized in the first place.

I promise you, that we will be perfectly okay without your precious guns. These weapons of destruction are used to fuel discrimination and hate, and this should not be tolerated in a first-world society like the U.S. Clearly, gun violence will not cease or decrease anytime soon. As long as we continue to sell guns to unqualified people on every corner of every street, we will not see an end to this madness. We have tried doing background checks and thorough examinations and applications on those who wish to buy a gun, but like most things people get lazy and there are loopholes that people are not afraid to use just to get their precious contraband more easily. We’ve tried it your way, now it’s time to listen to the mass population and give up guns for good.

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