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Dear Zayn Malik, Admit That Black People Matter

The past week has been a tough one around the world, and more famously in the United States. Several black people were killed by the police – most famously, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. In addition, 5 police cops were shot and killed and another 5 were injured today in Dallas during a peaceful march against police brutality.

These events sparked fires within the #BlackLivesMatter movement, and it became once more a trending topic to remind people of the injustice black people face from police brutality. Many people started talking about the seemingly controversial movement and events, and celebrities were no exceptions. Zayn Malik especially, and surprisingly, caused the most controversy out of all.

Malik first tweeted – then deleted – the following tweet:Cm2ryV5XYAA08CH

He later replaced it with this tweet:

And then retweeted:

In summary, Zayn denied that he used black culture to his benefit (which he did), he ignored the fact that black people are the most people heavily affected by police brutality (which they are) and he attempted to mask #AllLivesMatters into something ‘more positive’ (which it isn’t).

It is almost ridiculous how Malik turned a serious issue into a phrase of two words and a picture. Black lives are not going to be saved when we turn our attentions to all humans, Zayn. Police, and others, will continue to rob their lives especially when public figures like you do not acknowledge it.

Also, it seems very non-sensical to advocate for minorities to be equal. His words literally translate that minorities should be equal to each other, but stay minorities. Moreover, the picture he retweeted from EMINIK’s account doesn’t mean that all races are one as he thinks, because that is erasure. It shows that we can be allies, but that doesn’t mean we feel each other’s pain because no one can feel every minority’s pain if they’re not part of them, especially not blacks’.

Of course a majority of his fans reached out to defend his ignorant opinion, which is really upsetting. Celebrities like Zayn have a great opportunity to make a change and affect their large following, but most of the time they fail to do so just like Zayn did. It is both surprising and aggravating to see that he took to speak up on this issue in this manner, seeing that he said he doesn’t want to be influential in a social or political kind of way before. He said he would speak up on issues only when he is fully educated on them, and he it seems like he truly isn’t educated on this one.

I understand Zayn doesn’t have ‘evil’ intentions; they’re perhaps even good. However, the way he sees things and the way he phrased them on an issue that doesn’t concern him was ignorant and he should apologise. I have been a fan of One Direction since they were formed and a remained to be a fan of Zayn even when he left, yet I know where to draw a line between my love for a celebrity and my ability to judge and evaluate their statements on such important issues and events.

Zayn and EMINIK weren’t the only celebrities that spoke up on account of the events, but others like Bella Hadid and Kylie Jenner did too, however no one gave a solution or any aid, which is what the #BlackLivesMatter movement needs now more than ever.

This is what I call celebrities, public figures and any one with a large public following to do. To help, educate and raise awareness.

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