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America Was Never Great: Your Patriotsim is Suffocating

America was never great, period.

America now is the “best” it’s ever been.

NOW? Is the “best” and “greatest” time in American history?

Where crime rates, police brutality and are almost as high as the amount of people in debt. When, in this year alone, there was a total of 126 mass shootings.When it’s seemingly easier to get a gun than to file for taxes, America is #1 in guns per capita next to Yemen. Censorship exists and is reigning over every aspect of your life, thank Snowden and the NSA. Obesity and heart failure compete as the number 1 cause(s) of death in the U.S. with  30-35%, of adults in America, considered as obese.  People are definitely not living longer and we are most certainly NOT, all free or equal under a God.

A Presidental Election of raging sides, divided by a theoretical and proposed wall. Democrats vs Republicans: who’s more radical and who’s more conserved and the liberals who “think they have a chance”. The polarization, and the concept of political parties and most importantly their use and overall effectiveness. This disunity has been the basis and character of elections in recent years: finger pointing, accusatory commercials, and ads against each other. Petty fights over the symbolic ‘playground’.

Are we so blindingly passionate about our country that we, as its citizens, inhabitants, can’t see the innate flaws and cracks in the foundation that it’s been built on?

Pushing aside those “dark times” that ” We’re smarter now.” “That’s in the past” or the escape goat “At least WE don’t live in China or Russia…right?”

Wrong. China isn’t a better country nor is Russia, this isn’t the Olympics or a competition of “Who’s less oppressed”. No country can be the “best” and “the greatest” if anything this idea is relative. What you’re asking for is a Utopia and we all know how that AlWAYS works out. There is no country that can exist with a perfect system of government or flawless “performance”. There’s no competition and the only one that seems to want to make one: is America. It’s the political ignorance and denial of the state of its own politics and history.

How could anyone be so NAIVE? Is it really so shocking to think that; to allow ourselves to see our faults.

America isn’t progressing it’s regressing. Flatlining

Get over it.

A drug addict can’t change their ways unless they find what’s the root of their addiction. America is addicted to its pride, past “glory” and a bygone era of believed success.

The sooner America as a whole, as a collective conscious recognizes this “suffocating pride” the sooner actual, significant, noteworthy change can occur. The type of change that expanded the rights of the individual and modern democratic government, that influenced the basic fundaments of the country that some of us so adamantly swear our loyalty and allegiance to, or not.


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