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Conservatives: Keep Beyoncé’s Name Out Your Mouth

Beyoncé has recently gone through a series of attacks after Betsy McCaughey’s – an American Politician – TV appearance on CNN. She went on to defend Donald Trump’s degrading language, in the leaked Trump tapes, by coming after Beyoncé’s ‘Formation’ song lyrics and stating, “Hillary Clinton expresses that she finds the language on that bus horrific, but in fact she likes language like this: ‘I came to slay bitch, when he f*cks me good, I take his ass to Red Lobster.’” She went on stating, “ That happens to be a line from Beyoncé, her favorite performer, whom she says she idolizes and would like to imitate.”

However, let’s take a quick ride to the past and bring up the fact that is isn’t the first time that Mrs. Knowles-Carter has been the center of conversation throughout “conservative conversations.” Tomi Lahren, a conservative political online video host and commentator for TheBlaze, seemed quite offended after her political Super Bowl Halftime performance back in February by saying, “The Super Bowl halftime show has become a way to politicize and advance the notion that black lives matter more.” Lahren continued, “Beyonce, really? What is the political message here? What is it that they’re trying to convey here? A salute to what? A group that used violence and intimidation to advance not racial equality but an overthrow of white domination.” She ended with, “Your husband was a drug dealer. For 14 years he sold crack cocaine.”

The ‘Formation’ singer has become a sort of poster girl in the conservative community for anti-Black Lives Matter supporters, or in recent news, to defend Donald Trump’s lewd comments on women. Betsy McCaughey ignited a fire where it wasn’t needed; there is nothing wrong with writing explicit lyrics or being a sexual person in general. She’s advancing this idea that sexuality is some sort of bad thing that you should be ashamed of when it is in fact not. Plus, let me bring up a point that was brought up multiple times through the CNN video: Beyoncé is not running for president. She can take her man to Red Lobster when he f*cks her good and tell the entire world about it. She can do whatever she pleases without carrying Hillary Clinton in her shadow.

Tomi Lahren, on the other hand, is a completely different story. Her entire statement just sounded so white – she has everything completely twisted and confused. Absolutely no one said that black lives matter MORE, hence the movement’s’ name: Black Lives MATTER. How many times does that have to be explained? She seemed the most ticked off while discussing the Black Panther Party and yes it’s true, the black panthers didn’t exactly resort to peace like Martin Luther King Jr. when protesting but what do you expect? They were angry and I’d probably be angry too. Who wouldn’t be? Not everyone just throws on a smile when they’ve been beat and thrown to the curb out of pure racism.

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