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The War on Terror is Pointless


George W. Bush declared a war on terror in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks. Since then, we have thrown 1.7 trillion US dollars into fighting terrorism. Why though? Why do we care so much about terrorism?

Think about it logically, there are significantly more people dying in the US from shooting each other than from bomb threats and terrorism combined. The average US inhabitant is more likely to die from being gunned down from a fellow citizen than from Al Queda or ISIS. The odds of dying from being shot is 1 in 7,944, which is quite large when compared to the odds of dying in a terrorist attack which is 1 in 20,000,000. Why are we going to war to fight terrorists when we have not even addressed the problems within the US? It is hypocritical that we can send troops to the Middle East to fight terrorism, but when an American is shot by another American, we don’t declare war. If we are going to go to war over one group of people killing US citizens there has to be the same response when Americans killing themselves. We first need to deal with Americans killing Americans before we deal with radical groups killing Americans.

It is only after we have eliminated the mutual threat within the country that we should address the threat of terrorism. We first need to eradicate the high rates of civilian murder before troops are sent half way around the globe to stop other people from killing us. An American is more likely to die from an interaction with another citizen than an interaction with a terrorist. Americans are the number one killer of other Americans. They are the biggest threat to themselves.

Not every Muslim is a terrorist; since not all of them are terrorists, what’s the point of fighting a war? The amount of radical Islamics that are terrorists is negligible. It makes no sense to start wars because a few extremists kill a few people. Americans make such a big deal about terrorism when the majority of extremists aren’t terrorists. As a Nation, we need to find something better to do than start wars, negotiate deals, or build intelligence around ending terrorism.

The war against terrorism begins here, with each of us ensuring the safety of one another, and not starting wars on foreign soil.

This is satire. It is supposed to act as an analogy to the argument against the Black Lives Matter movement. See? It makes no sense; just because there are issues within communities does not mean we should neglect the threat to the Black Community by persons in power.

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