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An Open Letter to Minorities, We Are All Here For You


To any person of color, member of the LGBTQ+ community, any woman, or to those who are not citizens, I am sorry. I am sorry that as a country we did not fight hard enough. I am sorry that we couldn’t convince everyone to vote and that we couldn’t educate enough people to vote against Trump. I am sorry that a person who hates you so much is now the one who will decide your futures as Americans.

I am sorry that I didn’t protest enough. That my tweets weren’t informative or compelling enough. I am sorry that when calling people to make sure they were voting, I couldn’t get them all to keep from hanging up. I am sorry that I couldn’t do enough.

I am a woman, but I am a citizen who is not a POC or an LGBTQ+ member. I can not relate to the pain and fear that most of the you reading this are feeling, as I only fall into one of those categories and I myself am terrified. I can only imagine the betrayal, the loss, the terror. And I am so sorry.

There is nothing that I can say to make the tragedy that we now face okay.

There is nothing that I can say to make this better because as much as he can’t ruin everything (he would hopefully be impeached if things got out of hand), there are people out there that still stand by his morals. There are people who support his intentions, whether he accomplishes them or not. There is so much hate in this country towards people like you. And I am so sorry.

Many won’t feel the ramifications of what has happened. Many of those who put him where he is today are of people that have never felt the pain and loss that you have. They will not have to worry about being deported or discriminated against or attacked. They cannot relate so they don’t care. It’s so extremely sad and infuriating. It’s so extremely not okay. And I am sorry that I couldn’t get them to see the impact of what they were doing.

I am an American born citizen which means that I don’t fear being taken from my home. I am so sorry that you do. I have never felt so ashamed to be an American.

I have never felt so ashamed to stand on United States soil and say that I was born here.

I was born into a country that discriminates and hates and thrives off of fear. I was born into a country that people come to start their lives, only to be called illegal, as if they were a gun or a drug. I cannot relate to your struggles. I cannot feel your pain. And I am sorry that I couldn’t fight hard enough.

I am saddened, I am shocked, but most of all I am sorry. But I and so many others stand with you. We support you. We will help in the fight to ensure your safety, your peace of mind, and your hope. I cannot imagine the fear that many face today. I cannot stand before you and say that I am more scared and angry than you. I cannot direct you on how to react or deal with this. But I will say this: you will get through this. People are horrible but you are strong. One man sitting in the White House will not decide your future, because you are stronger and worth so much more than that. I am with you. I am for you. I apologize for the actions of my country and my race and my sexuality. I am sorry for those who are selfish and won’t open their hearts. But most of all, I am sorry that I could not do enough.

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