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Trump Is Not the Problem Now


I’ve had numerous conversations with a number of people since our new President-elect was chosen on Tuesday night. There seemed to be a common thread that everyone could agree on: Trump is an idiot. Another thought/idea was recurring: What is he really going to do? You could argue that this is a fair question. As we’ve seen over the last eight years, it’s nearly impossible for any president to force radical change with the obstacle of Congress. Obama sought for tighter gun laws for almost the entirety of his second term and achieved practically nothing of note. Though on the other hand, a counter argument for this is that there has never been a larger Republican majority in Congress, and it will be easier for Trump to pass laws than it ever was for Obama. This being said, there is a wave of internal Republican feuding going on right now, only heightened by Trump’s win, as a lot of Republican congressmen feel as though Trump has “hijacked” the party. Ultimately, it will be interesting to see how a President Trump will jump over this hurdle. But with that being said, as controversial as it may sound, I don’t think Donald Trump is going to be a threat to the American people. I’ll explain why.

The world was shocked by Donald Trump’s victory speech last week. It was completely opposite of everything he promoted throughout his campaign and rallies. It’s not unknown for Presidential candidates to lie through their teeth to stir the crowd and garner support. However, this just seemed too alien for even Trump himself to pull off. But maybe, just maybe, Trump manipulated the easily influenced, ill-informed American crowd to gain a large support system to solidify his spot in the White House. This was done in the same way, you could argue, Hillary manipulated the younger American voters. Perhaps it’s all just smoke and mirrors. I know that’s an easy thing to say now, but surely we can’t be praying for Trump’s failure. If he goes down, we’re all going with him.

The main problem I have is not with the man himself, but with the millions of people in America who voted based on his racist, sexist, homophobic campaign and overall ideology. The media loved to showcase Trump as a lone, radical, anti-establishment businessman. But we can’t forget that there are a lot of people in America who think this way. There are many men who think it’s okay to sexually harass women. There are a lot of white people who think it’s acceptable to throw around slurs and insults towards people of color. There are too many straight people who think being gay is a choice and that LGBT+ people don’t have a place in American society. This is not one man. This is a repertoire of ideas that many Americans are thinking and want for their country. People are arguing  that they wanted change, and perhaps Trump is a change… from Obama. Trump is no different from Andrew Jackson, or Eisenhower. This kind of “change” is taking us back to the 60s. Is that what we really want? It doesn’t matter if Trump really is racist, what matters is that what he’s saying is inspiring racial violence and outbursts in the public because he is normalizing this kind of behavior. Is this the man we want for President?

God bless America. I’m rooting for you.

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