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Are You Dating Someone With A Mental Illness? This Is What They Want You To Know

Dating someone with a mental illness can be challenging for many people. A common mistake many people make when entering a relationship with someone with a mental illness is they want to fix them. You can not fix someone with a mental illness, as a relationship doesn’t cure a mental illness. If you get into the relationship thinking you can save them from themselves, the relationship will already be doomed before it gets anywhere. You will find yourself putting in so much effort to try to make them happy and get disappointed when they aren’t… well, happy.

You have to realize that a mental illness affects the brain and how they see the world. Despite this, do not get discouraged if you do not feel appreciated whenever you do something for them. At the end of the day, mental illnesses can make many people numb. Any relationship is difficult, but with someone with a mental illness, you have to be more careful, but it can work out. With the help of our many readers, we have created a list for you that may help

  1. Do not get mad at them for symptoms caused by their mental illness. They simply can not control it.
  2. Understand that not all mental illnesses affect people the same way, so your partner may not fit the stereotypes.
  3. Give them their alone time and do not take it personal. If they don’t want to talk or hang out, understand they’re going through a rough patch and give them space. They still love you but it’s just hard right now.
  4. Accept that the mental illness is apart of who they are. Don’t try to change them or ignore the illness. Just learn what triggers them or anything else regarding the illness.
  5. Sometimes they don’t need your input or advice, they just want you to listen.
  6. Always make sure to let them know you’re there for them, and always there to talk if needed.
  7. Listen to what they tell you they need.
  8. Do not try to be their doctor and make sure they get help when needed!
  9. Patience is key, always give them time.
  10. Always be supportive and accepting.
  11. Do not make everything about their mental illness.
  12. Do not make them feel guilty for having bad days.

If you have any other tips, leave a comment!

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