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7 Things to Normalize in 2017

With 2016 done and gone let’s take 2017 and start to normalize factors in our society that are seen as taboo. Not only will normalization help with an open mind and heart it will teach younger generations that whatever they feel, do, or see, is completely normal and natural. Our society needs to learn to accept and be open to new things and by normalizing factors in modern lifestyles society has a greater chance of becoming less judgmental and cruel. Here are 7 things that need to start being normalized in 2017:

  1. Gay parents

LGBT people in general need to have more support and normalization in communities around the world but especially parents and their children. An estimated 2 million LGBT couples are interested in adopting, and 4% of all children in the United states are adopted by LGBT couples. Same sex households are seen as a taboo and yet is how 19% of the population lives. With more and more same sex couples looking into adoption and raising more than one child it is necessary that we as a society work on normalizing same sex household and parenting.

  1. Female masturbation

Yeah, I know! Crazy right! Girls actually masturbate and watch porn! It isn’t a myth. Society teaches that only boys masturbate and watch porn and for a girl to even think or GOD FORBID anything like that, well then they must be whore. It is healthy and natural to explore and teach yourself what you like and find what feels good. It’s a normal and necessary to do in order to discover your own sexuality. How else are girls expected to know how to get off with someone else if they feel they aren’t allowed to do it themselves!

  1. Feminine boys, masculine girls and everything in between

It is looked down upon for boys to show emotions, wear “girly” colors, or do things that aren’t considered masculine. Girls are taught shouldn’t walk like guys, wear loose clothes, or be “butch”. These teaching are harmful for young men and women to be told “ Do not do you”. When someone is told they cannot do what they feel is right, or act how they want it is harming to their self-image. Young people need to be told that no matter who you are or what you identify as you can act however makes you most comfortable. It shouldn’t matter if others are uncomfortable. Let’s normalize the idea of boys who love to be feminine and girls who love to masculine.

  1. Breastfeeding in public

This is a natural way of feeding children. It’s been happening forever. Why do you think women have boobs in the first place! Breasts are not sexual, they are a way to give milk filled with nutrients to a child. If a women needs to feed her child and is on the bus she should be able to do so without demeaning and rude comments like “cover up”. Let’s stop and let the women with the child and the boobs decide what’s best.

     5.  Women in positions of power

Women hold over 52% of professional-level jobs and yet lack substantially in positions of power. Why? Because men seem to be threatened by the idea of a women as their boss and sexism in the office is a very prominent factor. The wage gap is yet another example of this and the idea that women can be the “BOSS” needs to normalized for young girls who dream of being CEO’s and President.

  1. Platonic relationships between girls and boys

The idea that boys will only be friends with girls so they can eventually get out of the “friendzone” is ridiculous. Boys are seen as incapable of having female friends and only viewing them as friends.  Friendships are given a lower title and that is baffling. Friends are so important. The love and support of friendship is necessary and without it life seems a bit dull, (although that may apply to few). Girls and boys and their friendships should not be viewed as “Oh, he’s just trying to fuck her” or vice versa. Friendships are a part of life and should be viewed as a normal thing when it comes to opposite sex relationships.

  1. Nudity

The human body is skin, organs, muscle, etc. It isn’t sexual in anyway. Sure, being naked can be sexy for some, and for others it’s natural and just the shell they occupy. Either way showing skin and being in the nude shouldn’t be a way of  “asking for it” or being sexual. That teaching shows young girls that they need to cover and not display their beautiful skin. Nudity is a natural thing and is seen as art. The sexualization of nudity is unnecessary and in some aspects ridiculous.

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