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Here’s All the Frightening Shiz Trump Has Done in His First Week

It has been officially one week of Trump’s presidency, and he’s already becoming the nightmare we believed for him to be.

But in order for us to survive a Trump presidency, we must pay attention and fight what his administration does.

So here is an overview of everything Trump and his nazi arm– I mean administration has done to bring the doomsday clock down 30 seconds. We must stay informed so here are six terrifying things Trump’s done this week broken down.

1) Reinstated and Expanded the Global Gag Rule

The rule, which first was first started by the Reagan administration and then reinstated by every republican president since, is back again under Trump. The order, signed Monday morning, cuts off all U.S. funding from any global U.S. health institution that involves themselves in the process and even the mention of abortions. This could leave millions around the world without the access to critical health services like testing and maternal/child care.

2) Pushed the Plans To Move Forward On the Dakota Access & Keystone XL Pipelines

Despite all the warning signs from the EPA and the protest of Native American tribes, the administration decided to continue the construction of the Dakota pipelines. These pipelines, which travel throughout the middle region of the United States, could cause oil to leak into the bodies of water surrounding it thus creating massive environmental issues. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe plans to sue the federal government for the action as it not only occupies the reservation, but could also be hazardous to their water supply.

3) Began the Process of Building the Wall

One of the main (and absurd) campaign promises Trump expressed is actually coming to life. He has drafted the orders paperwork to begin the process of building the Mexican wall. The rumor first said that the wall will be funded with a 20% tax on Mexican imports. The Mexican President, Enquire Peña Nieto has since cancelled the meeting he had planned with Trump and publicly diminished the idea of Mexico taking the bill. This is already causing tensions between Trump and Mexico to be high and will not go well in the future.

4) Instated a Temporary Ban on All Refugees and Immigrants From Muslim Countries.

The Muslim Ban that Trump discussed is actually happening. But it’s hidden behind an equally worse ban of all refugees from entering the United States as well. This being to keep the bad guys out yet don’t realize how many good people that they are leaving behind. The order also extends to immigrants from 7 different Muslim countries aren’t allow access as well. The primary order only lasts for 30 days but could lead to the development of a more concrete and long term plan.

5) Froze All Federal Level Hiring

Excluding military and executive cabinet positions, all employment in the federal government is currently at a halt. This is to give time to the new administration to find a way to minimize the number of jobs in the federal government. This is not a major issue as of now, but it does affect veterans getting government jobs. It could also lead up to a major federal layoff spree in the weeks to come.

6) Taken Away Sanctuary Cities

The law that protected illegal immigrants in select cities has now been diminished thanks to Trump and his administration. Cities like Miami and New York City will no longer be offered federal funding if they choose not to detain possible illegal immigrants. Thus making their process for deportation quicker and unlawful in itself. This turns local police officers into immigration agents and endangers the life of millions of naturalized children in the United States.

As we can see, there are probably even more harmful political moves on the way. The next 4 years are going to be hard. They expect people, especially young people, to sit back and do nothing. We have to do the exact opposite. Try calling your local congressmen and congresswomen. Make them listen to you. Join organizations and donate time or money to those that others trying to provide care to those affected. We can make it through this if we all work together.

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