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Feeling Hopeless in the Wake of Current Politics? Here are 7 Things You Can Do That Have Direct Impact

Politics: they are all anybody can talk about at the current moment, and for good reason. Since Donald Trump took his oath of office, he has done a significant number of things that have both outraged the public and marginalized various groups of people. His numerous executive orders keep growing in number, and include reinstating the Global Gag Rule that prohibits federal aid to family planning organizations that do abortions, enacting a federal hiring freeze, beginning his destruction of the Affordable Care Act, restricting immigration/travel/refugees in a highly controversial order, singing orders to continue the DAPL pipeline so highly protested by the Native American people, among many, many more.

Not only has he been busy signing executive orders, he has also been busy nominating people for various government positions in his cabinet, such as the highly unqualified Betsy DeVos, his recent nominee for Secretary of Education. Let’s not forget about Pence though! He has been busy at work as well.  Mike Pence made his appearance well known at the annual March For Life where he spoke, stating his commitment to a pro-life congress, along with speaker of the house, Paul Ryan. The recent President and company have been quite loud about their beliefs; making their positions known through any means necessary. However their silence on certain things, such as a recent attack on a Quebec mosque leaving six dead and others injured, speaks just as loudly.  This is but a small number in the sea of many things the Trump administration has done in their short time in office.

All of these factors have left many feeling both hopeless and helpless. Those who are unhappy with what is currently going on in the White House are not sure what to do with their thoughts, voices, and in general, themselves. It seems as if their singular voice is lost in the hoards of people who have opinions about Trump, leaving a feeling as if nothing can be done to stop what is happening in America.

Young people in particular have a sense of hopelessness unique to any other. With little freedom to protest or money to donate to causes fighting for women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, POC rights, and other marginalized groups, it often feels as if we can do nothing. If we have no money to support causes that actually have a voice and power in the country, what can we do?

Therefore, I am here to supply every teen from every race, gender, sexuality, political leaning and corner of the world 7 things you can do that have a direct impact on current politics to aid in having your voice heard; because it does matter.

Support The Women’s March 10 actions for the first 100 days

This campaign is especially important if you marched in the Women’s March or supported them in any way!  This campaign gives you one action every ten days to complete that helps to combat negative politics and fight for equality of all minorities within a highly conservative congress. You can find the first action here (writing a postcard to your local senators about the issues that matter most to you) and the second action here (creating your own group to talk about current issues and spread equality). If you can donate, you can donate here to the Women’s March organization. As a whole, the Women’s March fights for the voices of all minorities to be heard and respected. Be sure to check them, and their core values/goals out!

Partake in The Women’s March rapid response call to action to block Jeff Sessions

While this is the same campaign group as the first one, this call to action is more focused than their general 10 actions over 100 days. This rapid response call to action is in response to the soon impending vote to make Jeff Sessions the next United States Attorney General. He has been known for his opossiotn of LGBTQ+ rights, POC rights, and negative immigration views. This site will guide you on how to call, email, tweet, or write a Facebook post to your local senators urging them to vote no on Sessions. Calling your local senator and having a conversation with them/letting them no your do not want Sessions is one of the most effective forms of having your voice heard, as many senators take their constituents opinions into account during the actual vote. 

Know you are never too young for politics, and that your opinions on the issues America is facing are just as valuable as any person of voting age.

Use your social media platforms

Social media is a powerful tool. Millions use sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to get news out there. You can do the same thing, except with your own thoughts. Use your accounts, personal or not, to tell your followers about everything you disagree or agree with that is happening in politics. Do not stay silent; post often about what you care most. Your post about Trump’s newest executive order might educate others, or open someone’s eyes about what is happening. Your own thoughts and words can be powerful when put out there for the world to see.

Write senators and representatives

Let congress know how you feel. Whether you agree with something being done, or disagree with it, tell them. While writing a singular letter (or many) to a senator or representative might seem dumb or useless, you never know if your words could be the ones that help change somebody’s perspective. If everyone is writing a senator or representative about how much they hate an issue, they are more likely to discuss with others the possible faults, or be persuaded to vote a certain away about it. You alone are the people of the United States, and as constituent, your voice does matter. Being told it does not only continues the narrative that Trump and Pence’s thoughts are somehow more powerful or worthy than your own. You can find and write representatives here, and write senators here.

Protest, March and Protest some more

Go to every protest and march that you can. Make signs, take your friends, and make an event out of it. Keep an eye out for pop up marches on Facebook, especially if you live in the northeastern part of the country. Go to every march and make your voice heard with others who are also fighting against bigotry.

You are allowed to be upset that a President you did not even have a say in is now affecting your life negatively.

Create your own club/group in your school

Creating your own club can be a difficult process, however, if your school does not have a club focused on feminism, social awareness, muslim students, or LGBTQ+ students, it can be very rewarding to start one yourself. These types of clubs bring people with similar point of views together to come up with their own plan of action, as well as assimilate students. Not only is it killer to have “founded a club” on your resume, it will also be rewarding for you to have a group of people to continue fighting for what you believe in with.

Finally, if you can, donate

If you have the money to do so, donate to a cause you care about. Whether that be the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, the NAACP, the Trevor Project, or any charity that you support. If you’re an artist of any sort, consider donating a portion of your commissions or profits to a certain cause, and let people know that if they do buy your art, they will be helping your supported cause. This is an amazing and helpful thing to do if you can spare the money in doing so.

Through this fight, remember to stay peaceful, stay hopeful, and stay angry. You are allowed to be upset that a President you did not even have a say in is now affecting your life negatively. Know you are never too young for politics, and that your opinions on the issues America is facing are just as valuable as any person of voting age. We all have every right to protest and want to have our voice heard. Continue fighting until we no longer have reason to.

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