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How I Present Myself Doesn’t Determine Who I Am

It is common to want to be liked by your peers and to change yourself to fit in with them, but everyone knows that how you act in the general public is not who you truly are. Who you truly are is who you are when you’re home alone or how you act when you are 100% comfortable with who you’re around. When you completely let your guard down and talk about what matters to you or at two am when you’re tired and vulnerable.

Thats who you really are, but no one presents themselves that way. No matter how many times you say that you keep it 100, everyone has a defense personality. The one you let take over when you’re around new people or someone you don’t trust. My defensive personality is ditzy and seemingly dumb, like Cat Valentine post season two Victorious.

I’m incredibly smart and know what goes on in the world around me but hide it because I don’t think anyone cares. I know who I am and will stand for what I believe in no matter what; but that isn’t how I present myself.

Because being respected by my peers was so important to me in my previous high school years, my reputation has been made as the Whitest Black Girl You’ll Ever Meet. I never asked to be labeled as that nor did I think I came across that way. I know that I’m black and I have a good vocabulary; but when did understanding the English language and not using slang become a white trait? Why do my white friends determine my race and how I perceive myself as a black women in America?

I am tired of people assuming that my family is white washed because I don’t fit into your idea of black people. I sick of being told that I act white and being asked if I “know I’m black?” Yes I know I’m black and I’m proud of it! I don’t need to change myself for anyone!

Black people are smart. Black people have great vocabulary. Black people aren’t the same and we should stop stereotyping them.

Black people are complex and diverse and everyone should remember that.

So yes, I may be different from the black girls you’re used to but, to me, that’s amazing! I am 100% comfortable with myself and my background and don’t feel the need to change a thing. I love my skin and my hair and every black trait I have so instead of putting me down for “acting white” stop assuming that race defines personality and stop assuming that how you see me is how I truly am.

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