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7 Websites To make You Feel Better

Every now and then we all feel alone, upset, frustrated or angry and sometimes we just don’t know how to deal with our emotions and how to make ourselves feel better. But thankfully the internet exists and there are so many sites and resources out there that have been specifically made to make people feel better. So, if you ever need a distraction, want to calm yourself down, or just want to vent, here are some sites you should try:

1) The Thoughts Room

Want to get rid of your overwhelming thoughts and feelings? Type it out and release everything and then watch everything that is overwhelming you vanish into the thoughts room. You can try it here.

2) Pixel Thoughts

This site is the perfect place on the internet to release feelings of anger, frustration and stress. Not only does this site act as a mediation tool by helping you control your breathing but it also helps you release all your emotions by putting them into a bubble while being able to watch the bubble of all your problems get smaller and smaller. Try it here

3) Blahtherapy

This site offers you a real time vent session with either a stranger or a real professional. If you don’t have anyone to talk to or you just don’t want to talk to anyone close to you then this is the perfect place to go. Since you’re talking to a stranger you’re able to say whatever is on your mind without getting judged and that’s quite comforting in my opinion. Try it here.

4) Rainy Mood

Do you have trouble focusing or falling asleep? Do you like the sound of rain? Then look no further because this site provides you with the soothing sound of rain to help calm you down and focus. Try it here.

5) Emergency Compliment

Do you want a quick cheer up or something to make you laugh? This site will be sure to do that by providing you with funny, cute and quirky compliments that will definitely make you feel better. Try it here.

6) Happy Playlist

If you just want a cheer up and want some happy music to listen to then 8tracks is the right place to go. Try it here.

7) Cute Things Falling Asleep

If you want a distraction or just want something to cheer you up then what’s better than watching cute animals fall asleep? Try it here


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