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13 Things To Help You Control Your Stress

It’s not a secret that we all get stressed, or are constantly stressed. But recently stress has just become part of me and a lot of people I know. This is because we’re taking our A-Levels, if you don’t know what they are, it’s a set of very important exams which will decide whether or not we get into a University. Our results are based almost entirely on exams, obviously depending on the course. However, at this moment in time I know we are all stressed because of a multitude of reasons. Being stressed isn’t fun, in fact, it’s stressful and because I’ve been stressed for quite a while I’ve picked up a few tricks in order to help myself relieve some of that stress. Stress is never going to go full away unless you remove yourself from a stressful situation (which is nearly impossible if the situation is work or school). So here are 15 things that help relax and lessen your stress:

  1. Depending on whether you’re more of an introvert or an extrovert (I’m  a mixture) spending time with people you love is a must. Even if it is a fifteen-minute conversation on the phone with your mum, or face timing your dog from University. Being around or talking to people you love can instantly brighten your day. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to constantly be around others. It is also a good idea to have some time to yourself as well.
  2. Personally when I get a bit stressed I love to create. This varies from editing pictures to up keeping my Instagram. It doesn’t matter what I do as long as I’m being creative it makes me feel a bit better. The good thing about this is being creative doesn’t just limit itself to art or media. You can write an informative article, or bake a cake or even solve a maths problem. Creativity is everywhere, you just have to find your suit.
  3. Watch a program. Dedicate one hour a week to watching that program that has sparked your interest. Right now I’m focused on Mutiny. I put aside an hour on a Tuesday evening in order to watch it. Whether you lay on your bed snuggled into a blanket, or you’re on the tube home from work, dedicating that time to yourself helps.
  4. Another simple one is to take a bath. Pour in some bubbles and some scent and you’re set for a relaxing night. I’d suggest to not bring in a book or to watch anything whilst you’re in there. Instead, clear your mind and just breath. Think about what you love and who loves you, it’s a great way to remind yourself of the great things in life.
  5.  Look through old photographs. I love to reminisce about the past. It is a great way to cheer yourself up, especially if you look at pictures of your old adventures. Funny memories always help cheer us up. My go to memory is when my friend fell over her swing because she had a sheet over her. It always makes me smile.
  6. Treat yo’self. Now, this is a classic. It’s always nice to treat yourself to that pair of shoes you wanted or the signed copy of that book you love. It just makes you realize how hard you’ve been working and it helps keep you motivated.
  7. Listen to music. When I’m stressed my go to my 8tracks account and play through some of the playlists I have created. It’s also good to find a song that relaxes you, at the moment mine is Castle On The Hill by Ed Sheeran.
  8. Go on a day trip. Sometimes all you need is a cool trip out with your friends. Picnics are my go to idea for cheap days out. Each person brings something different and you just set up in your local park. Or a day walking around Camden Market is nice, it’s so pretty there and even if it is cold there is always something for that. (A steaming hot plate of Chinese, it’s delicious)
  9. Make some good food. Whether you’re a vegan or you’re a meat-eater, good food is the way to the soul. So taking that extra portion of time to create something you saw on Pinterest isn’t going to harm you. In fact, it will fill your stomach and your mind with goodness.
  10. Read. Recently I’ve been doing presentations on the importance of reading, I haven’t had time to read for pleasure for about a year now. But since I have been doing these presentations I have dedicated ten minutes a night to reading. It doesn’t have to be a book, reading stretches further than that. As long as you’re reading daily it doesn’t matter whether you read a John Green book or a book about Wales. It all adds up.
  11. Skincare routines. Sometimes a skin care routine can be that little bit of pampering that gets rid of your stress you before bed. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, we’re all on a budget. Try making your own face mask with the fruit that you have at home. Or just rubbing some moisturizer on before bed. Either way, healthy skin improves your self-confidence and gives you one less thing to worry about (SPOTS!!).
  12. Keep a gratitude journal, where you write down one good thing about that day. Then when you’re stressed look back over it and smile at the things that have happened.
  13. Sometimes all we need is a hug. Simple as that.

Hopefully, these things will help you take away some of the stress, or allow you to focus more on the good side of life. Like I mentioned stress will never fully disappear, but it is something we can control. These are things that are affordable and accessible for everyone, you don’t have to do all of them or any of them. We all deal with stress in a different way, this is just a suggestion. Because sometimes we need to think outside the box.

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