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3 Degrees That Will Enable You To Make A Difference In The World

Firstly, it is important to mention that your academic success isn’t an indicator to your worth and you don’t need a degree or a diploma to make a difference in your community or to the world. However, if at any point in your life you decide to get a degree that will give you valuable knowledge about the world and how to make a positive impact on it, the following is a list of three degrees that will enable you to make a difference in the world:

  1.  International Development. Having a degree in international development will allow you to answer the needs of society as a result of globalization. It gives you the knowledge of how to improve present issues such as governments, healthcare and education, and where the improvements are needed. It also discusses issues such as human rights, gender equality and how to offer economic assistance. International development studies ways to effectively use local resources in order to reach independent and sustainable development. Having a degree in international development could lead to jobs in the government or NGOs, but having the vital knowledge and skills that an international development degree would provide you with could lead to hundreds of other possibilities. The current top 3 universities for an international development course are the University of Sussex in the UK; Harvard University in the USA and Oxford University in the UK. (University ratings accurate to 2017).
  2. Environmental Science. Environmental science is very much an ‘interdisciplinary’ subject, environmental science degrees challenge you to combine skills and knowledge from a variety of different fields. This could mean exploring aspects of biology, chemistry, physics, geography, Earth and marine sciences, and also social sciences. In environmental science you would normally specialize in a certain section such as energy or sustainability. Having an environmental science degree could lead to you having jobs in the government working with environmental policies; in jobs like oceanographers and meteorologists and general environment consultants who can help in less economically developed countries (LEDCs) to sort out sustainability and safety for natural hazards. There are endless possibilities depending on how you specialize. The current top 3 universities for an environmental science course are the University of California, Berkely (UCB) in the USA; Stanford University in the USA and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the USA. (University rating accurate to 2017).
  3. A Medical Degree. Having a medical degree allows you to understand the human anatomy and how it works. It also gives you knowledge on mental health as well as physical health. If your medical degree was in medecine then you would learn about human biology as well as the prevention, treatment and management of illnesses. Having a medical degree could lead to jobs in a hospital, a prison or in LEDCs working against widespread illnesses and viruses. You could also find jobs in schools or as a psychiatrist or as a researcher. Currently, the top universities for a medical degree are Harvard University in the USA; Oxford University in the UK and Cambridge University in the UK. (University rating accurate to 2017).


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