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8 Study Tips to Help You This School Year

As a new school year falls upon us once again, studying will soon be something every student focuses on. Here I have provided some of my favorite study habits to help you get ahead this school year!

1. Focus

This is quite a basic tip but it’s necessary for a successful study session. Switch off distractions such as social media, tv, and loud music. Although many people do need a little sound in the background while studying, try to limit it to soft instrumental music.

2. DO NOT pull all nighters

Many people think that pulling all nighters is the best way to get the maximum amount of studying in, though you’re actually losing sleep which can affect your performance on a test or quiz the next day. Instead, get your beauty sleep and wake up a half hour to an hour to study before getting ready to go to class, that way you got a good amount of sleep and the material is fresh in your mind!

3. Interval Studying

One of my favorite ways to study is with interval studying. Start with studying for an hour, then take a 10-minute break, study for another hour, then take a 15-minute break. You can adjust these times for your needs as well. Studying for two+ hours without a break can be stressful, so make sure you take some time to de-stress and relax before hitting the books again.

4. Make an Exam or Test Tracker

Grab an old notebook or planner and write down the days of all your tests. That way you know when to study for a test and what test you should prioritize over others.

5. Flashcards

Flashcards are a basic part of studying. Some teachers may even hand them out, but if they don’t, make your own! Flashcards are a great way to memorize something, even if it means taking 10 minutes out of your day to make them.

6. Color Code Your Notes

Color coding is not only fun but it helps you stay organized! Try making green your science color, blue your math, or yellow for English. Chose your favorite colors and make sure to stay creative.

7. Write Down Questions

When studying write down any questions you have may have on the material. Then go in the next day and ask your teacher the questions you wrote down. Don’t be afraid to get help because getting help can make a huge difference to getting an A instead of an F.

8. Additional Textbooks

I know buying additional textbooks is expensive so try finding some pdf or free versions online. Buy work books to help you practice or find textbooks on the same subject, you never know, they could provide you with some additional helpful information you didn’t know!

These tips may not work for everyone, these are just some of my favorites, so make sure to find what works for you! Good luck this school year and don’t stress, remember your health is important!

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