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Does Education Hold A Higher Priority Over Mental Illnesses?

1 in 5 young adults aged 13 to 18 suffer from a severe form of mental illness at one point in their life. This is one of the most valuable chapters for students. As a child grows in maturity and age,  the many importances of upcoming adulthood grow as well too. Education is one of the most sufficient contributing factors to a teenager’s life as it becomes a higher priority by playing an important role. But a mental illness can too often get in the way of an individual’s ability to perform well in school for those who suffer with it.

It is difficult enough to learn in America today. Adding on the struggles and stressors of a mental illness makes preforming well in education even tougher. For students who struggle with the most common forms of metal disorders, such as depression and anxiety, concentration in class and motivation to study and complete homework can become nearly impossible. Of course, the ability to learn will depend on the severity of a student’s diagnosed mental disorder. But any diagnosis will negatively impact a student in this case. Decreases in grades, behavioral issues and poor attendance are all early indicators a student may be struggling with a mental disorder. Thus, the success of a student throughout the course of their education is effected immensely.

Mental illnesses often go unnoticed in schools. Teachers and counselors push the importance and education needed to prepare students for college. Therefore, circumstances in a student’s home life that interfere with education are often ignored. Education is highly prioritized while mental illnesses go unnoticed and diminish in significance. Students aren’t given credit for the struggles they face on a daily basis. Schools too often don’t evaluate the reasoning behind why a student might be performing poorly academically.

Anxiety has soared in the past years. Overloads of homework, tests and social interactions are a few of the several causes behind a student’s intensity of anxiety. Depression also widely effects a student’s ability to learn and preform well in school through all areas of education. Lack of concentration and motivation to achieve in school is commonly more difficult with students who struggle with this particular illness.

Education holds a higher priority over mental illnesses. Overall, the perception of mental illnesses needs to be further evaluated into consideration when prioritized next to education. Changes need to be made to help students that struggle with mental disorders. The inability to concentrate and learn keeps students from being successful. School boards nationwide shouldn’t hold a student accountable for poor grades and attendance when it comes to mental illnesses. A student’s overall mental and physical health needs to be sought out with greater value. Education is important, especially as teenagers progress into high school and college, but in the long run, a student’s mental state is more important.

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