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Addiction: Is It Gender Biased?

Modern world suggests maximum equality for everyone. Sexism stands on the same line with racism, ageism, and other –isms. However, despite laws and expressions in media, biological processes cannot be unified. None can deny that men and women function a bit distinctly in terms of biology. Different hormones are being produced, and brains can react to the situation diversely. This does not mean that all the women behave in the same way. This means that there exist a slight difference between genders due to biology.

That is impossible to describe all the circumstances and stimuli, which cause addiction in each individual case. These factors might include anything from relationship within the family to some highly individual stresses or needs. Moreover, talking about addiction scientists pay much attention to patient’s gender. Unfortunately, men have been the objects of addiction research for many decades, which made it difficult for the experts to fit the treatment for women’s needs. Luckily, nowadays the situation is breaking with precedent.

Male addiction is not a focus point anymore. Scientists and doctors try to accommodate specific treatment methods so that they will fit the women’s needs. They also develop some new methods, distinct from typically male, so that the particularly women needs would be satisfied on the way to sober life. Recently, recovery has become a closer perspective for women, who have gotten into trouble, thanks to reveal of significant differences between genders on basis of comparative studies of both male and female addiction types.

Basic Gender Difference

The stereotypical view points out that men are more likely to face addiction. Having taken data from 1980s, one can see that for each addicted woman, there are 5 addicted men. However, the newer research you read, the more different data you find. Studies of substance abuse show that female and male addiction are moving towards equality. Recent surveys contract this number to 3 men to 1 woman. An interesting point is also the age of those suffering from abuse.

If one looks at data in the age group called ‘young’, they will that the statistics is almost 1 to 1. Teens and young adults are risky, which means that both sexes tend to adventures and see no limits. However, when we talk about adults and senior people, males are more likely to be drug addicted. The figure is incredibly high: 1 woman to 9 men. The grounds for these are diverse, starting from gap in social pressure, and finishing with the tendency to put one’s own health at risk.

Such data are the reason for men-only rehab programs to be much more popular and widespread across the country. Such programs take into account the specific way in which male body engages with the addiction agent. Moreover, these programs are based not only on a medical basis, but also they take into consideration the psychological support needed by males and the importance of ironing out the kinks, which exist in society.

Alcohol Abuse: Peculiarities for Each Gender

Though, no one typically imagines a woman when talking about alcohol addicts, they are proved to get more harm in this process. Scientists have also shown that despite rehabs for men are more popular facilities because these are mostly men, who get addicted, rehab for women needs more costs and efforts to fight addiction.

There exists a notion of telescoping in female addiction. It is the trend of women to get addicted in a much shorter time than men do. The basis for it is the influence on women’s reaction by numerous biological and psychological factors, cultural and social biases, and economic factors.

The glaring example is the lower percentage of water in female body, which leads to a sooner alcohol intoxication. Another point is a comparatively high level of alcohol dehydrogenase in male digestive system, which allows them to getting rid of alcohol quicker than women do. To put a long story short, females need less alcohol to get glassy eyed.

Psychologist also mention that emotional reasons to drink matter a lot. Males are more likely to drink because of positive events in their lives. For instance, to celebrate the promotion, or baby’s birth. Females tend to drink when they need to decrease stress level and keep the negative emotions down. An extra factor is that women with alcohol abuse are more likely to simultaneously suffer from other psychiatric disorders. In addition, females rarely seek for treatment because of possible social pressure.

Stimulant Abuse: Peculiarities for Each Gender

Stimulants are drugs that possess the “up” effect. Taking stimulants lead to increase in alertness and gives a surge of energy. The most famous examples include cocaine, methamphetamine, and ADHDs. The official data proclaim that the abuse rate between genders are not much different.

Experts note that the basic difference in tendency to get addicted to a stimulant lies in female hormones. The distinct hormone makeup between men and women, make the need of men drug rehab facilities lower. In addition, pregnant women are at high risk of getting methamphetamine addicted because of hormone swings.

Abuse Treatment: Peculiarities for Each Gender

Obviously, male and female treatment is different because of the difference in the nature of genders’ addictions. Men’s rehabilitation still gets twice more federal money. Firstly, because more men are suffering from addiction. Secondly, because women tend not to seek treatment. Actually, a great percentage of men who are getting treatment do it compulsory because of justice system. On the contrary, women usually get treatment after consulting healthcare providers.

Female and male addiction are also treated a bit differently. The basic difference lies in the conditions that rehab provides. For example, females should be provided with more sexual health monitoring, putting menstruation in the first place here. Support groups for females should be based on establishing trust, increasing self-esteem of a woman, and giving her feeling of being appreciated. Moreover, positive family involvement is more important for women.

Therefore, the issue of men abuse is more acute in numbers, while female abuse treatment is more complicated. However, there are certain general ticks, which both genders should get. The successful treatment includes releasing a person ready to get back into social environment, having improved psychological and emotional health, having higher self-esteem and personal stability, being sure in being supported, and having decreased level of stress and anger.

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