The U.S. won’t probably be the only country to face surprising (and horrifying) news this year. In fact, Europe is also in a hard period of elections where conservative parties are more acclaimed than ever.The U.S.A. won’t probably be the only country to face surprising (and horrifying) news this year. In fact, Europe is also in a hard period of elections where conservative parties are more acclaimed than ever. The British population proved last June by voting in favor of the Brexit that Europe is facing a social, political and economical crisis which will possibly have an important impact on its future. U.K. local elections will take place on May 4 and will serve as a confirmation of Theresa May’s anti-E.U. politic.
It’s common knowledge: in periods of crisis, people tend to vote for the ones they think will assure them safety and wealth. This year, French people are going to chose their new president and they might be influenced by the outcome of last November’s U.S. elections and vote for the far-right, anti-E.U. and anti-immigration candidate Marine Le Pen, known to be the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen – a xenophobic nationalist who was a candidate for the French presidency in 2002. People tend to forgot that the National Front has a white-supremacist background and that Jean-Marie Le Pen once said, shocking the whole country that “extermination camps were only a detail of History”.
Marine Le Pen may have lost the last elections in 2012 but this year, with an increasing number of immigrants and with the threats of other ISIS-related terrorist attacks in France, she is considered as one of the favorites in the race to power, leading the polls for the first round of the elections.
Trump’s victory is already a nightmare but if Le Pen is elected, thing will only get worst in the world – not to mention the inevitable growth of Putin’s influence. Marine Le Pen already showed her approval on Trump’s politics and even went to see him in his tower (she didn’t meet him, but it’s the thought that counts) so it’s not a secret they would probably agree on a lot of decisions and especially on « de-islamizing » the west.
That’s why the French but also the European population should be aware of the dangers of a potential victory of Marine Le Pen, which could have irreversible consequences on Europe’s economy because of the closure of the borders – one of the projects of her program. But above all, Le Pen in power would leave the door open to all kind of racist, sexist, anti-Semite, homophobic and islamophobic abuses, things already feared in America since Trump’s election.
The world doesn’t need another abusive leader. There’s still hope Europe won’t turn into hell – Austria chose to elect the ecologist candidate Alexander Van der Bellen rather than the reactionary Norbert Hofer. Let’s see on May 7 if Trump’s victory will impact French presidential elections or if another candidate will be elected.