The man was carrying a bouquet filled with alluring red roses, a teddy bear, and a box of chocolates for his wife on February 14th, also known as Valentine’s Day. Such a gesture and an appreciation for his wife truly warmed my heart but I couldn’t help question: why do we wait for a holiday to show someone that we appreciate them?
Whether it’s a Hallmark holiday such as Valentine’s Day or someone’s birthday, it seems as if we only really show appreciation for someone when society forces us to. Why can’t we show someone how much we appreciate them without a holiday? Random acts of kindness are truly so crucial in the society we live in nowadays. We shouldn’t only show our love and appreciation for an individual on a holiday, this should be done on a daily basis. The reason behind showing someone your love and appreciation for them is simply because you love them.
There isn’t enough love in the society we live in, there aren’t enough random acts of kindness in the society we live in, and that truly has to change. It’s quite sad that the world is stunned when one performs an act of kindness when it is something that should be done all the time. Random acts of kindness can range from kindly smiling at a stranger to donating money to a great cause. One of the greatest acts of kindness, in my opinion, is the act of “passing it on”. The next time you’re in Starbucks, a supermarket, any type of store, do the gracious deed of paying for the person in line behind you. When you pay for the person in line behind you tell them to pass it on.. Meaning to pass on this random act of kindness and continue the chain. We shouldn’t be living in a society where the only time many people are appreciated is when it’s some sort of holiday.
We should be living in a society where it’s rare for one not to be appreciated.
Kindness is free, kindness is one of the greatest gifts that cannot be bought in a store. It’s one of the simplest acts to act upon. Be as generous as you possibly can be, it’ll not only impact you in a positive way but the ones around you as well. There is nothing better than the feeling of knowing that you made someone smile and put a little joy into their soul.