Dear Millenials,
I’m saying this in case no one ever has before: I am proud of you. I am proud of all of us in more ways than you can imagine.
Our generation is unique. We grew up knowing how to handle most electronics from a young age. We’ve watched our country progress ways that no one else has seen before. We’ve also felt the repercussions as our country digressed in horrific ways that we couldn’t believe. We’ve watched as our college tuitions rose to unfathomable heights and we’ve been born into one of the worst economic time periods our country has witnessed (besides the Great Depression, obviously). We’re the generation with the highest rates of mental illnesses and clinical depression. We’re the generation where suicide rates are at thirty-year high.
Yet we keep on pushing forward despite the huge loads of poo (insert emoji here) that previous generations (and life in general) keep throwing at us. We are constantly working towards progress and change for a better America, and for a better world. We are steadfast in our beliefs and we are too stubborn to back down from them. We are protestors and visionaries. We are fighters in every sense of the word. We refuse to give up or give in. We remain obstinate in the face of the condescending insults older generations gibe at us and we are fiercely determined to prove them wrong.
Our generation has single-handedly organized whole movements dedicated to changing the world around us.
Millenials have a common end goal in mind, and we give all we can to support it. We are at the forefront of demanding true racial equality. We (for the most part) still believe in the magic of the American dream, and we believe that we can be the ones to find the “liberty and justice for all” that this country has promised us. And the best part is, we’re willing to do whatever it takes to achieve what the generations ahead of us have, for so long, failed to do.
So, don’t mind them. Let them call us easily offended. Let them call us oversensitive. Let them call us lazy and entitled. We know ourselves and we know better. They can call us whatever they want. Our generation is not going to stop relentlessly chasing after hope and change for this country. Our generation is never going to stop trying to achieve a true level of equality. Nothing anyone does or says can stop us. No amount of name-calling, sneering, or shaming will be a roadblock to our success.
We are a desperately needed tidal wave of change and I am proud of us for that. You should be proud of yourself for that, too. For taking a stand and for always being on the front lines of progress. I love you. Keep doing what you were born to do.
A Fellow Millenial