After a long and seemingly never-ending week, many of us teens are still experiencing a plethora of emtions: shock, fear, denial, anger, and defeat. Last week, we witnessed racism, sexism, and bigotry seize America in the form of Donald Trump and his supporters. For many millennials , the results of the presidential election were devastating. We’re afraid to see the clock turn back 60 years.
In the wake of all this, I just want to ask one thing of teenagers and young people: please don’t forget to take care of yourselves.
Don’t lament on election results. This can be even more harmful to you. Constantly, focusing on it is a sure-fire way to bring stress and anxiety.
Instead, let yourself forget, for just a little while. Take a break from all the political pandemonium and take time for yourself. Here are some ways to care for you.
1. Take a nap.
Napping is beneficial, healthy and a guaranteed way to be unconscious and unaware of the current state of the nation, at least for a couple of hours.
2. Have a movie night.
Gather up some of your pals and popcorn, and get absorbed in a fictional world…where Donald Trump is not our next president.
3. Write it out.
Sometimes the best way to handle your feelings is to write them. Write out every thought, every emotion until you feel better. Whether in a notebook, your journal, or a scrap of paper you’ll throw out, writing can help.
4. Treat yourself.
Eat your favorite foods. Watch your favorite shows. Have a relaxing bath. After this week, trust me, you deserve it. Pamper yourself. Have a spa day. Hang out with your favorite people. Do things that make you feel good.
5. Create
Color a coloring book. Bake a cake. Write a song. However you like to get creative, make something that makes you truly happy.
6. Have a party!
Current events may not call for celebration but, that’s no reason not to have a party. There’s still so much to celebrate like being alive and how far we’ve all come and how far we’re still going. So throw a party and turn up!
7. Leave social media alone.
Right now, social media is plagued with toxic hate messages and painful reminders of division. You don’t really need that. So if it comes down it, log out of Twitter and Facebook. Take a break, if even for a day. Clear out your mind.
Self care is always important, but especially during tough times. It is not a luxury, but a necessity. So make sure to give yourself some TLC and remember that nothing on earth can change your worth.
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