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Tips for Having the Best Ramadan

Ramadan Kareem, everyone.

For those of you who don’t know what Ramadan is, it’s the holy month for Muslims. It is one of their 12 lunar months and comes around every year, however going back 10-11 days on the Gregorian calendar.

In Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, meaning that they cannot eat or drink (or smoke or chew gum) throughout this period. The purpose of this exercise is to feel for those who do not have the privileges of food and drink. It is also a month for Muslims to grow closer to God, or Allah in the arabic language.

While fasting, a lot of things can break one’s fast, all in the heart of human desire. Sexual ones, swearing, talking badly about others and lying are some examples. Therefore, in Ramadan, we become a better version of ourselves and we try to keep as much of it as we can after the month is over.

Now since we got the basics down, here are some tips for those who will fast to have a good Ramadan. Even if you won’t fast, it will help you get a good feel of what Ramadan is shot and make sure to share this with your Muslim friends!

Family first

Don’t forget your family in Ramadan. Make sure to call as many as you can today and wish them a Ramadan Kareem. Be there for them and help them out as much as you can and remember to do it out of pure intentions.

Keep a Qur’an Close

There’s nothing better than finishing Qur’an during Ramadan. If you own an average sized Qur’an, read 4 pages after each of the 5 Salats and you’ll be done! If you can’t read Arabic, listen to Qur’an while reading the translation in your own language. It’ll take more time, but you will be highly rewarded.

Don’t Be a Hypocrite

As I said, Ramadan is a chance for us to better ourselves. Don’t just be a better version of yourself for 30 days and then give it up. Try to keep the good habits you started. It’s hard to change your lifestyle completely, but start by small steps.

Turn Your Image Previews Off

On Twitter, Tumblr, and many other social media outlets, there is an option to turn off image previews and images that are NSFW. This will help you avoid graphic images and images of food when you’re hungry. Don’t give into your desires.

Be Charitable

Of course this isn’t a thing you just want to do in Ramadan, but it’s a great time to start. Firstly, you will get more rewards from Allah. Also, giving to others and not focusing on yourself helps destress you and relieve anxiety.

Hold Back Your Tongue

Swearing can actually break your fasting, which is really hard in this day and age because swears have become part of our everyday dictionary. However, during Ramadan you can start practicing to hold your tongue back not just on swearing but lying and such.

Avoid Cold Water

Breaking your fast on cold water is actually bad for a lot of your organs, especially your liver. It also takes a lot of energy from your body that you are already lacking after a day of fasting.

Don’t Forget Exercise

Ramadan isn’t an excuse for you to slack on exercising. People tend to turn sedentary when during the holy month which is actually really bad for your health. so some light exercise such as a long walk or some yoga. This will help the food come down easier and help you stay healthy.

Finally, Don’t Overeat

Though Ramadan is about fasting, food is ironically a big part of it. Especially in middle eastern family and I can tell you that. However, if you overeat you will feel very sick and uncomfortable, more than you would usually. Your stomach gets smaller during the fasting day and it won’t handle as much as you think it would.

Don’t forget, Ramadan is not a burden but it is a great spiritual and physical journey. Hope this helps you and your friends with this month, and Ramadan Mubarak.

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