Introducing The Next Generation Of Leaders And Thinkers

Dear Hillary, Kick Bill to the Curb

Dear Hillary Clinton,

I’m an 18 year old girl, voting for the first time this election. I will be voting for you because I believe you are intelligent, experienced, and will make a strong leader.

With your role as the first female President of the United States, you will serve as a mentor to all of the young ladies in the nation (and the world). That means we look up to you and will likely make our decisions modeled after yours, just as we have for the past eight years with the amazing inspiration provided by Michelle Obama.

With that in mind, my plea and question to you, once you are President, are you going to divorce your husband, former President Bill Clinton?

I get why you stayed married. You had #careergoals. You saw your path to becoming the first female President of the United States and you recognized that your “brand” was deeply integrated with being a Clinton.  I get it.  And, well played.

But once you reach your goal it becomes critical that you be the mentor that young women need, and that you send the message to young women that we are not to be victimized, that we are not dependent upon men who mistreat us.

Your husband victimized young helpless women, took advantage of his position of power and in the process betrayed and humiliated you in front of the nation, repeatedly.

And you stood by him. You are a Yale educated lawyer, who has worked much of your career on behalf of children and families stood by. Thus, through your actions, you make it seem to young, impressionable, American girls that it is okay to be treated with disrespect by a man! Rather than teaching us that we are strong, independent and do not need a man to be whole, your actions suggested that we somehow need a husband, just like a 1950s housewife did.

But this is not the 1950s. We are now educated, career women. We run households and boardrooms. It is not our “position” to clean the house and have a martini and dinner waiting for our philandering husband. It is our position to embrace feminism for all that is good in empowering women to believe in their own selves The young girls of America need strong females to model for us that if we allow a man into our lives he must respect us- and I am asking you in the astounding capacity as the greatest female leader we young girls will see in our lives to date, to please be this model for us all… time to go, Bill. You can lead our nation on your own.


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