From a very young age, we were all asked the same question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Everyone had a different answer; movie star, astronaut, rock star, doctor, scientist, and whoever asked you that would just smile and nod. Now it’s different, now we’re expected to say something like a lawyer, doctor, teacher, or veterinarian, something logical. If you say anything else they look at you with concerned eyes and say, “isn’t that a little risky?”
We’re always told to do what we’re passionate about, but if we’re passionate about music, art, or dance, it’s not good enough. I have a very close friend named Brooke, who hopes to one day be on Broadway, and she is constantly receiving negative responses when she tells. People tell her she can’t possibly rely on a career that unreliable, and she needs to choose something more realistic.
Why do people consider wanting to have a career in the arts such a bad thing? Just because someone doesn’t want to be a doctor or nurse doesn’t mean they can’t excel in academics as well. Art classes are even being taken out of some schools because of budget cuts. With so little public funding, schools have been relying more on private funds and patrons of the arts to provide creative outlets for students. There has also been a growing trend of nonprofit arts organizations setting aside more funding for arts education and outreach to local schools.
Kids who study some sort of art in college tend to be the most driven, creative, and ambitious people.
The kids who want these careers look at the standards set for them and realize they can do so much more. Without these people who take a different path, we wouldn’t have all the books, movies, and shows we all enjoy so much. Even though it is true that art careers can be risky, and the future isn’t definite, it’s always good to try. Who knows what will happen. If someone is passionate about having a career in the arts, why should we make them feel bad for it? Let them be creative. Let them do what they love. The world can always use more singers, songwriters, and artists anyways.
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