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Happy Doomsday, America!

The day has finally come — January 20th, inauguration day. Today is the day that President-Elect Donald J. Trump will finally drop the latter part of his title and become the President of the United States of America. Terrifying, right?

Two weeks prior to the presidential election, I penned an article about the excitement 0f Trump becoming politically irrelevant once he loses the election. Boy was I wrong? Now, today, Trump will actually become the most politically relevant person in world. Where did we go wrong? Was it Hillary’s fault? The DNC? Third party candidates? Russia? Probably a combination of all four, but at this point it doesn’t really matter. At this point, we need to face reality of what is about to happen.

Our nation is about to accept Donald Trump as our leader. Yes, a man who said xenophobic, misogynistic, and downright untrue statements while campaigning. Yes, a man who mocked a disabled reporter. Yes, a man who has openly talked about sexually assaulting women. Yes, a man who stands for everything our country is supposed to stand against. And even after efforts to prevent Trump from getting to the Oval Office, it’s going to happen. That is said and done.

But what’s not said and done is what we do to combat the vices of our new president. If we simply give up on the good fight just because he is inaugurated, any progress towards what is right and just will be lost. We have to unite against the hateful language and actions that Trump and his administration will continue to spew. We have to hold Trump accountable for what he does these next four years. We cannot become content in the wake of his presidency.

So yes, today might end up being doomsday for the United States. Today could be the first step in what sends our country down the toilet. But maybe it won’t be. Maybe, with continuous progress and protesting against Trump, we can hold off any monumental destruction of our government for the next four years. Maybe — just maybe — we can get through these next four years alive. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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