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NASA’s New Solar System: TRAPPIST-1

Another solar system has been discovered, just 39 light years away from earth. NASA has spotted seven earth-size planets around a small star within the constellation of Aquarius. Some, or even all, of these planets could possibly sustain life.

The planets were identified by a process called transit photometry. This method is based on the dimming of a star, which occurs when an orbiting planet passes in front of the star. The amount of light lost determines the planet’s size.

This discovery is groundbreaking as this is the first time that so many earth-sized planets have been found around a single star. It has renewed hopes of finding a new earth. People have speculated whether such planets already sustain life of a species unknown to us. In fact, this discovery puts forth the possibility of the existence of many earth-like planets.

These exoplanets circle a dwarf star named TRAPPIST-1. Because this star exists just 39 light years away from us, new possibilities emerge. It is now very possible to search this solar system for alien life.

Due to the fact that the star is small and cold, the planets that orbit it are temperate. This means that there could very well be liquid water present on these planets, which further increases the possibility of life forms existing there. The Hubble telescope will reveal whether there is methane or water present in the air on these planets. If enough oxygen is detected, it would suggest that biological activity is taking place. And even if life forms are not detected immediately, it could still evolve. TRAPPIST-1 is a young star, and has a very promising life expectancy. This gives it enough time to develop and evolve life forms.

It has been noted that these seven planets are very close to each other. Their orbits are so tight that it takes a very short time to circle the star. Because of their close proximity, if life were to be sustained on any of the planets, the planets around it will be in view, just as we see the moon. Astronomers have imagined that it would be a beautiful thing to see.  As for what the planet would be like if we were to live on it, scientists say that the planet will be dimmer than, but just as warm as, earth.

This is an amazing discovery for the human race. As technology develops, the possibility of discovering a new earth increases.  It has now become a question of when, rather than if, we find a new earth.

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