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My Body, My Choice: Let’s End the Virginity Stigma


In today’s culture, virginity has become a concept which holds much greater value than its literal definition. While the concept is simple, society has placed a tremendous amount of moral and ethical connotation along with it. The pressure placed on today’s youth because of these standards has led to a substantial amount of judgement and misunderstanding of the act of losing one’s virginity. However, these ideals reflect most predominantly towards women.

Due to the stigma that is associated with virginity, it has become “wrong” and “shameful” for a woman to lose hers, unless deemed appropriate by her peers and the people surrounding her. But the question is, when is the “appropriate” time for one to lose their virginity? When did one’s sexual choices determine the kind of person they are?

While many women are chastised and ridiculed for exploring their sexuality, men are treated quite adversely. In most cases boys are praised, and encouraged when losing their virginity. It is viewed as a step towards growing up and becoming a “man.” However, women may be considered “sluts” or “whores”, despite the circumstances. These words are meant to represent “an immoral woman”, “a prostitute” or “a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money”; not a woman who is exploring her sexuality. The misuse of these words leads to many women feeling ashamed of their actions, and being viewed negatively by their peers.

A woman should have the right to make her own choices, and not feel guilty or wrong because of other’s viewpoints. The time in which a woman loses her virginity should be based purely on her maturity, and her feelings towards the subject. If she feels that she is ready, and can handle the situation responsibly, I personally believe that age should not be the deciding factor on whether it is right or wrong. The only time which it should be considered wrong is if the woman feels it was the wrong decision, and it is to be her opinion and hers only.

As a community, we should work towards changing our views on the subject, and having a more open mind. Judgement should not be placed on anyone, male or female, for their personal choices. Rather than virginity being something “lost”, we should consider it an experience gained. Let’s end the virginity stigma.

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