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Carly Fiorina is Trump in Disguise

Before you dive into this article know one thing:

Carly Fiorina is just Trump in disguise.

Sure, it’s hard not to secretly root for her. I was presented with extremely contradictory feelings when I saw her standing as the lone female representative during the second GOP debate. I instantly wanted to find a way to like her, and it wasn’t hard. Initially, she reminded me of my grandmother; strong, steady and hardball, but only until she opened her mouth. Then I remembered that I disagree with practically everything she stands for.

Let’s say Carly Fiorina was pro-choice, pro-Palestine, pro-raising the minimum wage, pro-immigration, and a socialist. Then she’d have my vote. However, unless she suddenly turns all of her opinions inside out and upside down, it’s best to bear in mind that she is a hardcore right wing conservative. Carly Fiorina is simply Donald Trump in sheep’s clothing.

Much like Trump, Fiorina has become well known for her habit of exaggerating the truth, or just flat out lying. During September’s GOP debate she discarded all semblances of reality when she dared Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to watch the Center for Medical Progress’s videos of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. These manipulated videos have since been debunked as desperate attempt by right-wingers to “expose” Planned Parenthood’s practices. However, that didn’t stop Fiorina from stating that she had viewed “a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.”

This string of extravagant rhetoric did exactly what Fiorina wanted it to do. In the past few weeks her comments have elicited near religious fervor among pro-lifers and sent her rocketing to second place in the Republican polls. Although the real world effect is gruesome, the footage Fiorina alludes to does not exist. Better yet, she hasn’t yet admitted her error, and digs herself deeper and deeper into her own lies every time she insists that the video is real. Carly Fiorina is a liar, but knowing that won’t hurt her campaign unless mainstream media picks up on it.

Alright, so she lies, but maybe her redeeming quality lies in her experience as the first female CEO of a Fortune 20 magazine. Who knows? Maybe she could be the president to turn our country around and dig the United States out of our mountain of debt? Don’t believe that either. That’s just what she wants you to think. Fiorina likes to put a positive spin on her time as CEO of Hewlett-Packard, but the fact remains that under her management the company lost 50 percent of its stock value and had to lay off 30,000 employees.

Don’t be deceived by her charisma and rhetoric, Carly Fiorina is just as bad as the rest. She supports tax cuts for the wealthy, believes that the “Supreme Court overstepped by legalizing same-sex marriage”, splutters all lives matter nonsense, and believes EPA regulations are too restrictive.

Unfortunately, Fiorina isn’t going anywhere. She experienced a spike in the primary polls after the 2nd GOP debate, and is now favored at second place behind Trump. Much of Fiorina’s surge is due to her retaliation to Trump’s insult to her appearance. “Look at that face!” said the ever-reserved Trump, “Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?” Gloria Steinem, well known feminist writer and political activist wrote a Facebook post in response which said, “Trump’s greatest damage to women was to raise sympathy for Carly Fiorina by attacking her appearance.” Trump’s little comment was all Fiorina needed to rally white feminists and female Republicans alike in her defense. Trump tripped up, and Fiorina seized the moment to give herself some ground to stand on. She’s in it to win it now, so don’t be fooled.

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