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Don’t Appropriate This Halloween

As we all know, Halloween is approaching, and this means decorations, food, friends, candy and, of course, costumes! Dressing up is one of the most fun parts of Halloween for most of us. Whether you’re dressing up for yourself, for a costume party, or even helping a younger sibling dress up, we should all know what we’re doing and how to be respectful to others. If you’re not aware, let me inform you, culture appropriation has been a big topic lately on and off social media.

The topic has spiralled all across the globe. If you do not know what it means here are definitions below: 1. A term used to describe the taking over of creative or artistic forms, themes, or practices by one cultural group from another. (Oxford Reference definition) 2. Cultural appropriation is a sociological concept which views the adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of a different culture as a largely negative phenomenon. (Wikipedia definition) I hope that gave you a general idea on what it is.

Recently on Twitter I’ve encountered many people tell me I’m making things up or overreacting. Now, I do wish I was a more patient person, however, I’m not. But now I’m taking this opportunity take all the baggage and hate I’ve received and turning it into something positive! In this article I’ll answer the questions and address things that I’ve recently encountered on Twitter about Halloween costumes and culture appropriation.

1. “HOW DOES CULTURAL APPROPRIATION RELATE TO HALLOWEEN?” Many people have asked me this. I realize that many people think these two things don’t look like they correlate but I assure you they do. Dressing up as certain things can be VERY offensive to those who are a part of that particular culture

2. “HOW IS IT OFFENSIVE?” This is another frequently asked question. I will attempt to explain this in simplest way I can, but please keep an open mind. There is many different reasons on how and why this is offensive. It depends on what is being used as a costume (I’ll get into detail in a few), but it all comes down to something that has been used a lot: “My culture is not a costume.” This is the best way to explain it. Things that belong to cultures are not costumes. I’ve realized that it’s part of who THEY are. For example, I am Latinx, I highly dislike when people appropriate Latinx culture because it’s a part of me and many others. My culture is what makes me different. It’s what keeps me connected with my heritage. Another reason is that many cultures/ethnic groups get mocked and face discrimination for embracing who they are whereas people who aren’t a part of that culture get praised and laughs for imitating another’s culture.

3. “YOU’RE JUST BEING DRAMATIC.” If you’re told this please don’t listen to that! If your culture is being mocked then you have every right to get upset. Don’t let other people silence you! You are NOT being dramatic. You are upset for a good reason! You are NOT overreacting.

4. “WHAT COSTUMES ARE OFFENSIVE AND HOW?” A great way to understand is by example! I’ll show you a few examples that I’ve see a lot so you can get the idea.

a. Mexican/Latinx Costume and Sugar skull: I’ve seen this more than multiple times. Mexican/Latinx culture is not a costume. This is offensive because whenever someone is a proud Mexican/Latinx they get hated on. They’re told they’re illegals. They’re told to leave the country. They’re told to speak English if they live in the U.S. Latinx should NOT be bashed for embracing their beautiful culture! Please be respectful this, and the following, year(s) by not wearing a poncho and carrying around maracas. Please be respectful by not painting your face like a sugar skull because there is a significant meaning behind it.

b. Native American Costume: Wow! I have many Native American friends who find this VERY offensive. Native American culture is being erased! I don’t remember the last time hearing my history teacher talk about tribes native to America or their culture. This is all types of disrespectful! Please don’t dress as a native warrior! Or anything of that sort.

c. Islamic/Muslim Costume: Although this is a religion this shouldn’t be done. When I, a Muslim, see people dressed as Muslims I get so furious. Wearing a hijab (veil) is not a fashion statement nor costume. There is a meaning behind a hijab, burqa, and other Muslim veils/covers. Please don’t dress like a Muslim man with the stereotypical beard and outfit! This is also very offensive! Everyday Muslims get ridiculed for their religion. From terrorist to woman beater to ISIS. It’s all heard. Don’t make a mockery out of someone’s religion!

d. Blackface: Goodness! DON’T DRESS UP LIKE A BLACK PERSON! They are not costumes! A race is NOT a costume! Black people are not a show. They are not something you dress up like to get laughs. It’s not only highly offensive but it is racist! Please don’t do this. It’s not amusing! I hope by reading this you can understand why this is offensive! Please be respectful to the cultures of other people. There are many things you can dress up as without being offensive. Don’t make people feel like less for using who they are as a costume. It’s simply not right! I hope this has taught you a thing or two! Please have a wonderful October! Have a wonderful Halloween! And please stay safe!

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