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Just A Reminder Black Lives Matter

The black lives matter and all lives matter situation seems to be reoccurring to me. This is why it is black lives matter and NOT all lives matter. For one, all lives do matter. All lives are equal, all people are equal. The term black lives matter is not so black people seem superior or above anyone else. It’s to gain attention to racial crimes. Black people are being killed based solely on the fact that they are black. Teenagers are being killed, women, children, pregnant women and even a paralysed man was killed.

This is not a coincidence. I’m sure you’re all aware that all these people were black and attacked/killed by white officers. Black Lives Matter was created to gain attention to these hate crimes, to make people see and realise that this is happening because these people are black, and to make people realise that black lives matter just as much as everyone else’s and that is why they deserve the same treatment as whites when it comes to police brutality. A 16-year-old boy was arrested for jaywalking-he was pushed to the ground by over 3 officers and attacked, a woman in the background screaming ‘stop! he’s just a kid!’. He was wrongly charged and police took advantage of the fact that they were in the position of authority and used it as an excuse to be racist, without being outwardly racist.

Wiz Khalifa refused to give up his hover board at LAX airport and six officers had him pinned to the ground shouting ‘stop resisting’ as Wiz repeated ‘I’m not resisting sir’. A week later white teenager Brooklyn Beckham was seen riding is hoverboard through LAX airport and nothing was done. You see how that works?

Black Lives Matter brings attention to these problems just as we wanted it too, we wanted everyone to know that it has to stop, that BLACK LIVES MATTER. Creating All Lives Matter makes you sound like a bitter jealous child, like you’re getting no attention, like you’re upset that people aren’t like ‘okay but a white person died the other day!’. White people are getting killed, they are getting attacked, but not because they’re white. The fact is that all lives DONT matter to some people, which is why Black Lives Matter exists: to make sure people realise that we are equal to them. Taking the focus off the movement to focus it on yourself like this happens to your people is disgusting.

Don’t get me started on the ‘Y’all just want to make it all about yourselves’ because recently, MuslimLivesMatter and TransLivesMatter is making an outbreak too. Muslims are being killed for being Muslim and trans people are being killed for being trans, which shouldn’t be happening. Again, these movements are created to draw attention to hate crimes that need to stop. One day your fictitious ‘all lives matter’ attitude will maybe apply to everyone but right now it doesn’t. Not everyone sees that all lives matter. Once people see that black lives matter, that Muslim lives matter, that trans lives matter, that gay, bisexual, pansexual, POC lives, etc. matter then we can get into this ‘all lives matter’ attitude, but for now, focus what is right in front of you. Focus on the fact that racism still exists, that homophobia still exists and work on fixing those issues before you want to act like a spoilt brat.

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