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5 Seconds Of Summer And Objectifying Women



Written by Gemma Bovenizer

Once again woman are being objectified as ‘sex objects’ and not human beings as punk rock band 5 seconds of summer’s ‘Rolling stone’ interview has been released. Now don’t get me wrong 5 seconds of summer is one of my favourite bands and I understand that interviews are not printed the way the artist intends it to sound like. Instead, the author of the article thought it was okay to objectify women when it’s not.

Throughout history women have been constantly objectified and dehumanized. This is why the movement of ‘feminism’ began. There are a lot of misconceptions about what feminism actually is, let me explain. A Feminist is someone who believes that all sexes are equal. It has nothing to do with ‘man hating’ it is a movement that wants to make sure that women are not treated any differently to men. For an example in the article the band’s frontman Luke Hemmings seemingly brags about how many girls he slept with, playing up to the stereotypical ‘rock star life’. Now if this were a girl and it came out that she slept with multiple men just for fun and objectified them she would be labeled as a slut. The movement of feminism is trying to do away with all the unfair labels that women are faced with.

Women, in the interview, were also portrayed as ‘objects’ as a joke for a sex tape. Once again I would like to remind people that women aren’t objects, they are infact people. Shocker!. Women in the media are constantly viewed different than men and are constantly over – sexualized. Which is shown in detail in a documentary called ‘Misrepresentation’, which is on Netflix and I encourage everyone to watch. Hopefully magazines like this will help educate people also on these problems. And as for the article I am disappointed and embarrassed on whoever’s behalf it is.

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