Introducing The Next Generation Of Leaders And Thinkers

Dear POC Graduates, You Can’t Stop Now
Look, Mama, you made it. The privileged years of high school are long behind you, you have suffered through the seemingly endless list of equally eager peers receiving their diplomas. On the outside, you are all in the same boat. You have all passed the same classes with the same teachers that no one seems to like. You have all attended the same high school parties with the same stoners and future frat boys. You all hold on to similar dreams of going off to college or maybe to the military, in each dream the lies the notion of doing something and becoming someone important.

But on the outside, your graduating class is not the same after all. Because in your class there are those who will face much more trouble in this deeply flawed world merely because of the color of their skin. Privilege and supremacy will team up and pit against you everywhere from work life to the subway trip home. While your white comrades are landing a job at a New York company on Wallstreet that their rich daddy secured for them, you will find yourself changing your hair just to avoid uncomfortable stares at the office. Yes, it will be difficult but life for people of color often is.

Education is a gift that many were never even offered. It takes hard work and dedication and the promise that things will get better- because they always do. There will be some that oppose your education because the less educated you are the easier it to control and manipulate you. Being another drug dealer or pimp is much easier than sitting through anatomy and trigonometry courses. But these are a necessary evil, something that will get you through this thing called life and something that the white population can often take for granted.
No, it’s not always fair, but if fairness dictated how society behaved, the world would be a lot different for you and me. It’s not easy to see young black men and women killed merely weeks or months amidst receiving their diploma. It’s not easy to see waves of hatred pointed towards new graduates because of their citizenship status, people willing to bypass their accomplishments because of the lack of a simple document.. Where is the praise that young people of color deserve? Where are the congratulations that they have earned from society for beating the odds and choosing not to be a part of yet another statistic? Instead, these ambitious graduates are given a whole new set of expectations and watching untrusting eyes  and told to deal with it- because they’re in the real world now. You have escaped the maze just to discover that there are a whole new set of obstacles meticulously placed at the exit just to ensure your failure, waiting for you, taunting you.

 “You have escaped the maze just to discover a whole new set of obstacles, waiting for you” 

 Perhaps it would be a bit more comforting to know that everyone goes through these trials and tribulations. That everyone in your graduating class will too get turned down from a job because of their race at least once or be subject to racial slurs just while walking to work. Perhaps it would be comforting to know that everyone must get initiated into this proverbial ‘real world’, but sadly some will get a ‘free pass’ of sorts. They will breeze through grassy meadows while you will be told to limp through a swamp with a trusting smile and a face that screams ‘I’m approachable!”. Because god forbid that you let the struggle of prejudiced professors and racist frat parties show in your tired face or others may find you too intimidating.

It may take a while- long bouts of sleepless nights and uncomfortable first impressions but you will find that you are not alone. That there are fellow people of color out there that know your pain and also want to talk about that time they were followed around in a convenience store for the first time or the many times where their college campus felt like a trap. Those are the friends you will relish the most, the ones that remind you that you are not going through this alone. The real world is hard, there’s no way around that, but the sooner you realize that the odds are against you- that they always were against you since the day you opened you brown eyes, the sooner you can prove that you will rise. That you will not succumb to their ruthless expectations and stereotypes, your diploma gripped ever so tightly in one hand while you prove to the world that their rigged cards won’t stop you from winning their silly game.

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