Ever since black people started fighting for anything equality related, we have had the people who benefit from others’ oppression try and tear down every attempt to ask for freedom from the media and expansion of propaganda and lies about black liberation to fuel white fear, to the FBI doing things like COINTELPRO to literally combat black related activist movements and many other non black related fights for equality. People fail to realize how this attack on people simply asking for equality is contributing to the infringement upon our rights as American citizens. Making black activism appear to be a hate movement or terrorism every time we demand fair treatment as human beings is violence.
It is safe to say that this country, America has very recently had a huge issue with demonizing black activist movements whether it be news stations across the globe immediately accusing black lives matter for the recent Dallas shooting despite the shooter shooting at police and the protestors, and the narrative that the shooter Micah Johnson was affiliated with various black power groups most notably and widespread on social media the black panthers despite Johnson being blacklisted from joining black nationalist and black liberation groups across the country. This rush by America to make any group that rises solely for the benefit of the black community appear to be negative and dangerous is a widespread violence tactic against black people used to silence our voices. From referring to peaceful protestors in Ferguson as thugs and writing off the Baltimore protestors as rioters despite the amount of peaceful protestors heavily outweighing the rioters, American media and the officials that make up our government have shown time and time again that without any research or any type of open minded view to black liberation they are ready and willing to shut us down as violent anti cop animals that just want to see all white people burn.
In closing, I will say this: Black Lives Matter is not a specific group, it is an activist movement, and with every movement there will be people using it for positive and negative reasons. As a whole Black Lives Matter has never been about violence. Black Lives Matter was a simple concept that started as a hashtag on Twitter and morphed into the brave activists in Ferguson who took to the streets and really made Black Lives Matter a true movement to let America know that despite how you may view us we deserve respect as black people, because race aside we are still people. To write any attempt black people make to ask for fair treatment as American citizens off as an attack on white people or an attack on cops is lazy. It is easier for you to say we are just a hate group or a terrorist group than to just listen to us and give us the mutual respect and equal rights we deserve because that would require you actually viewing black Americans as human beings. You cant keep trying to dismiss us because you want the status quo of white privilege and police violence to remain. Our voices will only get louder and louder and eventually will be so loud that you will have no choice but to listen. If you are truly that scared and annoyed by black liberation movements and you want so badly for them to go away that you would go to extremes to call us terrorists then give us the equality we are asking for and all your problems will be solved. The definition of terrorism is “The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims” and if that isn’t what the government and media and police state is doing to demonize and shut down black liberation movements and peaceful protestors then I don’t know what terrorism is. If you don’t see terrorism or violence in a white man shooting up black church, or how the KKK has been and still is actively terrorizing and murdering black people in the U.S but still isn’t recognized as a terrorist group, yet you see terrorism in black people holding signs and chanting that our lives matter while standing across from armed police officers in tactical war gear you are telling the world what you truly fear. Seeing black people as an equal.