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It Is Not Your “Feminist Duty” to Vote for Hillary Clinton: A Follow-Up

Some readers may know the piece I wrote back in March of this year, titled “It Is Not Your Feminist Duty to Vote for Hillary Clinton.” In the article, I stressed the importance of voting for the candidate that has best dealt with social issues in the past and present if that is something important to you. The majority of intersectional feminists and I recognized that the candidate most beneficial to minorities was Senator Sanders. “As much as I would like a woman president because it is WAY overdue, I want the right woman president. A president who has been actively fighting for the lives of everyone and truly cares. That candidate right now is Bernie Sanders.”

It was brought to my attention that this article has recently been discussed and debated among Sanders and Clinton once again. I stand by what I wrote and my thoughts remain the same, however, things have changed since March. Hillary won the primaries in early June, and Bernie later endorsed her campaign. Voting is still critical, and I believe the right thing to do is to vote for Hillary Clinton. Let’s be honest; the latter is just too depressing! Hear me out, by not voting it’s necessarily helping Donald Trump become our next president. My thoughts on this resonate best with the hashtag, #IGuessImWithHer. You don’t have to agree with all of her policies, but it’s the closest we’re going to get to a president like Bernie. I understand why there were comments that stated, “So you’d rather have Trump?” if you’re just coming across the piece now and didn’t fully read what was written. Those who are Sanders supporters and anti-Clinton suggest writing in your vote for this year for Dr. Jill Stein. Realistically, this will help no one and won’t achieve much, but I see the appeal as she resembles much of Bernie’s ideologies.

No matter who the candidate is now or in future elections, I will always support and urge others to vote for the Democratic nominee for obvious reasons. A lot of us were disappointed with Bernie’s loss, but we must move forward and do whatever we can to prevent Trump’s inauguration. If that means voting for Hillary Clinton, so be it.

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