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Donald Trump Is Making America Hate Again


As I watch night two of the Democratic National Convention, I listened to America Ferrera and Lena Dunham speak on why they are choosing to place their support behind Hillary Clinton. The reasons stated included equal pay for equal work and the right for women to make decisions about their own bodies, both imperative issues in the upcoming election. Then America Ferrera stated one fundamental truth about the entire Donald Trump campaign: “Donald Trump is going to make America hate again.” And as I really let that statement sink in, I begin to understand the vitality of supporting the correct party in the upcoming election. Or even more specific, the vitality of NOT supporting a certain party in the upcoming election.

The Republican Party’s 2016 Platform is currently rooted in hate. They plan to take important social issues and put them on the backburner. At their national convention last week, they heralded the “#BlueLivesMatter” movement, while today at the Democratic National Convention, they brought the mothers of police brutality on stage, and Sandra Bland’s mother even spoke. This is only one example of how the Democrats are a party of the people, not just the upper-class white Americans.

As I explained in my recent article “Hillary Sucks, But #ImWithHer And The Democratic Party”, this election is about more than just Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. This election is about which party is given the executive power in our country. This election is about which party will get to appoint a supreme court justice. This election is going to decide if we want to take #BlackLivesMatter seriously or not. This election is going to decide if we are going to proceed with our progression in LGBTQ issues. This election is about whether we want to promote love or promote hate.

We are selfish if we let the deception and lies of Hillary Clinton get in the way of such an important election. Even though she, personally, has many faults, the Democratic Party is going to represent us better than the Republican Party will. We need to unite to support which party will be a party for the people.

As Ms. Ferrera stated, Donald Trump is making America hate again. And at such an important time in our country’s history, we can’t afford or risk having that level of hate in the oval office.

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