“At a time when so many doubted that people with disabilities could contribute to our economy or support their families, the Americans with Disabilities Act assumed they could, and guided the way forward. Today, as we reflect on the courage and commitment of all who made this achievement possible, let us renew our obligation to extend the promise of the American dream to all our people, and let us recommit to building a world free of unnecessary barriers and full of deeper understanding of those living with disabilities.”
—President Obama on the 26th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Last week, on the 26th anniversary of the American’s with Disabilities Act, President Barack Obama made a formal proclamation about this historic and pivotal act. In essence, the Presidential proclamation applauded the courage and commitment of all who work to create an America where every citizen, regardless of disability, is considered, and treated, equally. And, the proclamation seeks to recommit to the obligation of America to extend the promise of the American dream to all our citizens, as we as a nation continue to work to remove all barriers to those living with disabilities.
President Obama reminds us that on July 26, 1990, the United States marked a pivotal moment in history for Americans with disabilities when the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) “enshrined into law the notion that Americans living with disabilities deserve to participate in our society free from discrimination” The ADA was the nation’s first comprehensive civil rights law addressing the needs of people with disabilities, prohibiting discrimination in employment, public services, public accommodations, and telecommunications.
The ADA sought to guarantee that the places we share — from schools and workplaces to stadiums and parks — truly belong to everyone. It reflects our Nation’s full commitment to the rights and independence of people with disabilities, and it has paved the way for a more inclusive and equal society. For the 6.5 million students and the approximately 50 million adults living with mental or physical disabilities, the ADA has swung open doors and empowered each of them to make of their lives what they will.
The President went on to highlight the efforts his Administration has taken to support people with disabilities:
- In his term, the President executed an Executive Order that “called on Federal agencies and contractors to hire more people with disabilities.” Today, more Americans with disabilities are working in Federal service than at any time in the last three decades.
- The Obama Administration has “vigorously enforced the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Olmstead decision, which determined that, under the ADA, people with disabilities cannot be unnecessarily segregated.”
- The President’s landmark Affordable Care Act includes that “Americans with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied health insurance.”
Looking to the future, the President, in his proclamation, went on to tell us that our work as a nation is not done when it comes to the rights and needs of citizens with disabilities. He implores that we “work to expand opportunity and confront the stigma that persists surrounding disabilities.” He advocates for the following going forward:
- “Continued increases in graduation rates for students with disabilities to give them every chance to receive the education and training they need to pursue their dreams.
- Making information and communication technologies we rely on accessible for all people, and ensure their needs are considered and incorporated as we advance the tools of modern life.
- More consistent and effective enforcement of the ADA in order to prevent discrimination in public services and accommodations”.
Thank you President Obama for being a voice for those with disabilities. Whether the disability is physical, intellectual, extensive or minor, we as a nation established ourselves in 1776 with a Declaration of Independence that states “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” As an advocate for those with special needs, it is my hope that my generation will follow the lead of our nation’s President and continue to push the agenda of equality for all.
For more on the author see CeceJane.com