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50 Things I Learned in High School

maxresdefault Yeah, it’s nothing like High School Musical, or One Tree Hill, or Degrassi, or… you get the idea.

  1. Focus on yourself, always.
  2. No one is having as much fun as their social media makes it seem.
  3. Facebook Depression” is real.
  4. Take an extended break from your phone (one day, 3 days, a week), you will feel better and be more creative and have way more free time.
  5. Your grades don’t define you.
  6. Your test scores don’t define you.
  7. Your friends don’t define you.
  8. You define you; think long and hard about how you want to portray yourself to the world.
  9. Don’t feel obligated to stay friends with people who make you unhappy.
  10. Challenge yourself in school, but not more than you can handle; you know yourself best.
  11. Begin acquiring a taste for coffee, you will need it sooner or later.
  12. A good cry will always leave you feeling better.
  13. Read widely; a good book can change your life.
  14. Apply to/try out anything and everything that interests you, you will never regret having tons of opportunities available.
  15. Life won’t throw opportunities at you, you have to seek them.
  16. Block on all of your devices, just trust me on this one.
  17. Don’t shape your life around a certain college, you will regret your whole high school career.
  18. Do not change for anyone. Ever.
  19. Find your passions and begin to pursue them in any way possible.
  20. Have fun! You’re still a kid, enjoy it.
  21. Show your parents some extra love, these may just be the last few years you will ever live with them; cherish them.
  22. Organization is a major key to success.
  23. Try out that new look, that new hair color, that new piercing; try everything.
  24. Pay attention to your younger siblings, they adore you, be a good role model (without compromising who you are, of course).
  25. Being knowledgeable is cool, being smart is cool, being informed is cool.
  26. Find a routine and stick to it, but don’t be afraid to be spontaneous once in awhile.
  27. Find someone a year or two older than you and look to them as a mentor, they can give you more (relevant) wisdom than adults, sometimes.
  28. Please try in school. Your grades may not matter in the long run, but this is the ideal time to form good study habits.
  29. Stay hydrated, it helps you avoid fatigue, and it’s hella good for your skin.
  30. Don’t sacrifice sleep for your grades, it will never be worth it.
  31. Take pictures, make videos, trust me, you don’t want to lose these priceless memories.
  32. You’re probably dying to get out of your hometown; you will one day, so stop stressing about it, explore it instead, find out what makes it special.
  33. Being kind never hurts.
  34. Google Docs and Google Hangouts are lifesavers, use them, they’re free.
  35. Try anything and everything. Try sports, hobbies, music, clubs, theater; leave high school with no regrets.
  36. The people you least expect will be the biggest part of your life.
  37. S/he is not as great as you made them up to be in your head.
  38. Music can change your mood.
  39. Poetry can change your outlook on life.
  40. Bloggers are incredibly inspiring, find some that you can connect with.
  41. Don’t sacrifice your happiness for anything.
  42. Always be open to learning something new, whether it be how to code or how to speak Mandarin, these skills will always be helpful in the long run.
  43. Pay attention in health classes, foreign language classes, and personal finance classes, these will actually be beneficial to most students.
  44. Don’t put yourself in a box; the coolest people are always multi-faceted and sometimes their traits are contradictory— that’s what makes them cool.
  45. You don’t have to be good at everything, or anything really, just do you.
  46. Befriend your teachers, not only does it come in handy (ahem, rounding up borderline grades), but they’re people too! They have way more to offer than the subject they teach.
  47. It’s okay to be vulnerable sometimes.
  48. It’s okay to not be okay.
  49. These probably won’t be the “best four years of your life”, so don’t come in  with that mindset, you may be disappointed.
  50. However, life is what you make it, so make it rock.

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