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Putting Yourself First Isn’t Always Selfish

This is probably going to be my most personal article to date as the subject of this context has deeply affected me for a vast amount of years and even to this day, I fall victim to a society that won’t allow an individual the right to take care of themselves before their peers, simply because we have constructed the idea that it is self centred and shows a lack of sympathy.

Over the last couple decades, our society has very successfully implanted the theory that if you do anything with yourself in mind first, you’re selfish and on a path to destruction. We’ve created the idea that to be a true saint, you must sacrifice your goals and your well being for other people. But I think this is lethal and has created a generation of indifferent youth who can’t be happy without feeling guilty.

There’s a difference between only caring about your health and well being and making sure you are also physically/mentally okay –let’s start there. The word selfish is thrown around so repeatedly that the sole definition of the word has been blurred. What does it mean to be selfish? This whole concept that a good person puts other people before themselves can lead to stress and even the development of mental illness because some individuals won’t look after themselves properly because they are so focused on those around them.

It’s important to acknowledge that when we are in the best health and mind set, we can empower and influence each other much more frequently and positively in the best way, which can contribute to a safer generation of people. If we are not feeling good ourselves, how can we see the bad in others and help them move forward?

My personal experience with this topic has been instilled in me from a very young age. From the get go I was taught by my mother that you should never make anybody feel bad about themselves –even if it meant driving yourself practically insane. I have to agree with this to an extent, your motivation for the day shouldn’t be to discourage someone or make them question their worth or anything along those lines. However, as we grow older and wise and develop many different friendships and relationships, it’s not always the best thing to keep everything you’re feeling bottled up inside of you. We all need that release at one point or we’ll be carrying around expired emotion that will inevitably prevent us from performing at our best. I say if a person is really pushing you, make sure you let them know about it –even if it means sacrificing their feelings for once.

Not to sound too cynical, but at the end of the day all we have is ourselves. It’s vital that we treat ourselves rightly or else we won’t be able to handle the various obstacles that life throws at us. I have made it my personal mantra in 2016 to make sure I am always okay before I focus on anybody else. Because despite what the media and our society tell us, we are important and we are allowed to care about ourselves. I refuse to feel inadequate because I want to make sure I am successful and healthy and mentally stable before I direct my attention onto others who can, let’s be honest, sort themselves out also. It is this ideology exactly that will build us and make us stronger which will eventually benefit those around us also. It seems like a win win, wouldn’t you say?


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