Alas, we’ve had another leak from one of our presidential candidates. Audio leaked from the Hillary Clinton camp with some telling information of how she really feels about Bernie Sanders’ supporters. This peaked my curiosity immediately. I’m very curious myself what both of the presidential candidates believe behind closed doors, so leaked audio is most likely the best way to strike Clinton’s candor.
Firstly, she called some of Bernie Sanders’ campaigning as “false promises”, referring to his platform and plan to get free college for college students. Sanders acknowledged the cost would still be there, but he was intending to champion for the removal of the hefty sum of tuition for American students.
As a Bernie supporter myself, I’m not really sure I can say I was sure it could be done. Making public colleges tuition go away sure seemed challenging, but I didn’t really care if it was free- as long as it was a priority to someone to at least lower the cost. I understand why college is expensive, but $20,000-$50,000 a year is outrageous. It doesn’t have to be free, but a discount would be nice.
Clinton went on to say, “[his supporters] are new to politics completely. They’re children of the Great Recession. And they are living in their parents’ basement.” Well that’s a sweeping generalization especially for a candidate who received a boost in supporters in Sanders’ loss in the democratic primary. It almost seems like she shot herself in the foot, but Sanders was quick to point out that in some cases, Clinton wasn’t wrong.
In an interview with CNN, Sanders didn’t agree with false promises, but that young people were crying out for a revolution because of their financial instability from college loans. The interviewer stressed that Clinton’s statements were out of context and were pointed specifically towards frustrated college graduates looking for a better job than Clinton’s example of a struggling barista.
Controversy aside, Sanders still wants his supporters to vote for Clinton. He stressed that if his supporters looked at both presidential candidates’ platforms, that Clinton was a much better suited candidate than her opponent. Sanders was adamant that his supports do research to understand the best course of action, and he didn’t want to see his supporters feel betrayed by Clinton’s comments. Sanders obviously feels loyal to his party, and would rather see her succeed rather than promote opposition within the democratic party.
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