Presidential nominee Donald Trump’s son, Eric Trump, posted a rather interesting tweet to his twitter account early this morning. The tweet, pictured below courtesy of Seth Fiegerman, contained a picture of his filled-in ballot and a message saying that it was an “honor” to vote for his father in this election.
In New York, however, it is illegal to share your completed ballot or take any photos while at a polling place. P. Kevin Castel, a Manhattan Federal Judge ruled on November 3 that it was “too late to change rules prohibiting ballot selfies” meaning that this rule still applies to today’s election. This doesn’t just apply to New York; according to the New York Times, taking ballot photos is illegal in 18 states, with 12 states having unclear policies on taking photos in polling places.
Though Eric Trump has since deleted the tweet, it doesn’t change the fact he broke the law and he could face potential fines or even jail time.
But are we really surprised that Eric Trump made such a big Election Day blunder?
Earlier this year, in April, Eric and his sister Ivanka made headlines for missing the deadline to register as Republicans in New York, which made them unable to vote for their father in the Republican primary.
Donald Trump told CBS News that his kids felt “very, very guilty. They feel very guilty. But it’s fine.”
Some think Eric Trump really doesn’t want to vote for his father after all. He didn’t seem to think it was such an honor to vote for Donald when he had months to register as a Republican, but that’s probably just a wild speculation.
If you want to check whether taking pictures is illegal at your polling place, check out this handy tool from The Verge, and if it’s illegal and you’re a Trump supporter, make sure that you take a picture of your ballot while voting on this Election Day.