In light of recent events, I will not be focusing on the negatives right now. There is too much of that, we are aware of the consequences of this election, we already know the bad it will bring and the good it will attempt to take away. Trump won, now what?
Fight back. Now I’m not talking get a gang together and aim to assassinate Trump, what I am saying is that we should fight back with the love and the kindness that is still within us, that Trump and his truculent followers will attempt to shatter. Over the past few days we have mourned, but now we must plan, organise, and come together to protect the minorities that have already began to be affected by his election.
Step one – make your voices and opinions heard. There are a majority of peaceful protests taking place right now, ranging from university campuses to streets and city centres. It is happening, and you can get involved. Check facebook events to find ones happening near you, or start one yourself. But remember – be peaceful, we are so much better than the people who endorse his promotion of discrimination.
Step two – stay angry. Do not let people tell you this will be okay.
Do not let people tell you to ‘give him a chance’ when they were hostile to do the same with Obama. Do not let people tell you his election could ‘surprise you’ and that he will ‘make a great president’, when we know he has next to no political experience.
Stay driven, stay motivated, stay angry.
Step three – PROTECT MINORITIES. Although I would rather not focus on the negatives, Trumps followers have already started taking action against minorities. Muslims and Mexicans in schooling have already faced discrimination from peers, being told to ‘go back to their country’, despite being US citizens. There have been attacks in schools, in the streets, in places where everyone should feel safe. This is happening, if you have privilege – use it to protect others.
Finally, don’t stop spreading love and hope. This is a tragedy, and I know many greek tragedies don’t end well, but we have the power to turn this around. Spread love and positivity, look out for one another more so than you did before and never let anyone tell you that you do not have the power to make a change.
One match can start a whole forest fire, you have the power to make a difference.
In the words of Halsey, someone I have turned to for guidance in these tough times, Stay angry and send love. You will get through this America, and you will come out stronger for it.
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