When all outlets and websites pushed that slight sliver in the red bar, stating that Trump has become our 45th President-Elect, controversy stirred all over the country from blue and red America. The tension thickened all over the nation as the American people have realized their new future. With that, the volume arose on the peoples’ voices on the fateful night of November 8th, 2016. Cities such as Portland, OR; Los Angeles, CA; Denver, CO and various other cities erupted in Anti-Trump protests, marching in solidarity. Hundreds to thousands took to the streets waving banners to chanting in frustration at the election results; blocking freeways and streets. The gathering of this mentality have become nationwide news. To some who are just solely spectators could be bewildered at why this is igniting flames of such strong opinions that are ablazing.
To the outsiders spectating from the outskirts of the hordes that stall traffic, they wonder what is the drive that burns so deeply inside these people to chant until their lungs give out.
Panic arose at the protests when anarchists breached the peaceful protests and unleashed a multitude of damage among the city. Portland Police force intervened in rows of hands gripping batons and shields that masked their faces. When the damage had reached its peak, police began tossing flash bombs in the array of protesters and anarchists, unable to differentiate between the two. Tension advanced when flash bombs began to get tossed back at police and that’s when hell broke loose. Tear bombs, rubber bullets; smoke smothered the people’s lungs and faces. Blame began to fall on all when the nation refused to separate the protesters and anarchists and ceased listening to the protesters’ voices. The chants of the protests are what we need to observe to be able to be conscious of their drive. I interviewed Gregory Mckelvey, founder of the PDX Resistance in Portland, OR; a hotspot for the Anti-Trump protests. He is an OSU graduate, 2016 elected DNC Delegate, Campaign Manager, and activist. The public require an insight in this matter to be able to gain perspective and that’s why I sought after to give them the voices of the protests.
The thought process is what really sparked the movement for this as well as the mixed emotions of local Oregonians. “We just wanted to harness the energy that people had against Trump towards something positive in our community. We wanted to lend vision to chaos and our message seemed to resonate with a lot of people.”, Mckelvey said. It was a movement that gave order and direction to those who opposed their President-elect. Unfortunately at the time, the public bred views that the protesters and anarchists were a conjoined organization which made it burdensome for the peaceful protesters to assert their beliefs. “Anarchists are not the problem. There are some vandals that express themselves through destruction that is just not our tactic. Our protests have brought people together and driven the narrative of our city.”, Mckelvey claimed. A unified force that indeed, was able to show the beauty through allies and connection.
“There is nothing more patriotic than using your first amendment rights to push for progress. We were a nation founded in protest. We are keeping up that tradition to gain leverage in our quest for change and real freedom. America is the only nation that has revolution built into its constitution. This is a continuation of the political revolution,” Mckelvey went on to explain what is their drive and goal.
We as a nation are strong in numbers. A single person can be vocal with their ideas which can easily lead a a force which can lead a nation. It’s vital to be heard as citizens and even more vital to hear those who are speaking.