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Actress Emmy Rossum Rightfully Wants Equal Pay – And More

Showtime’s “Shameless” star has recently revealed that she was paid significantly less than her notable co-star, William H. Macy, despite having far more screen time. I’ve already written the importance of this show here. This isn’t the first time a Hollywood actress has come out with information like this, one example being Jennifer Lawrence, who was once afraid to speak up about this injustice. The network has agreed to match her salary to Macy’s, but Rossum wants more. To make up for past seasons, she wants to be paid more than Macy.

She’s gotten quite the backlash, media consumers calling her “ungrateful” and “greedy.” While it is true that Macy was the bigger name at the time, it’s not like that anymore. If you watch the series at all, it is clear that Rossum’s character Fiona is the main character. She is the glue that keeps the Gallagher family together. Without her, they would have no place to live, food on the table, and they’d lose the small amount of morals the family (kind of) has. Macy’s Frank just seems like a scene-filler, going on a different quest each episode without much family interaction. The Gallagher kids sometimes wonder if Frank is dead or alive very nonchalantly, illustrating how the dynamic would not change too drastically if he were written off the show.

Let’s not forget that Rossum was already a distinguished performer before “Shameless,” such as “The Phantom of the Opera” and “The Day After Tomorrow.” Rossum has even directed a few episodes of the T.V series and earned two Critics’ Choice Awards.

Until her request is fulfilled, Rossum will not sign for Season 8. Her winning this gender pay gap battle would considerably affect the way actresses are treated in this industry, making them more confident to speak up for themselves and making networks think twice about underpaying their employees.

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