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Monica Crowley Has Joined the Trump Administration: Here’s Why You Should Be Concerned

Monica Crowley, a Fox News analyst, joined the Trump administration just a few hours ago. Crowley will serve as the senior director of strategic communications of the National Security Council. According to The Washington Post, she has two masters degrees and a PhD in international affairs from Columbia University.

However, her personal comments throughout the years make her an extremely inappropriate person for a job in national security. In the tweet pictured above, Crowley was posing next to the Berlin Wall last October. The caption reads: “At the Berlin Wall last week. Walls work.” The last part of the caption was in reference to Donald Trump’s southern border wall proposal.


The Berlin Wall was a barrier between East and West Germany intended to disallow the emigration from East Germany to West Germany. East Germans were sick of living under communism, and they were emigrating by the thousands. However, the wall divided families and caused high unemployment in certain areas, and many attempted to cross the wall in a number of ways. When the wall was finally demolished, there were many celebrations.

For Crowley to use the Berlin Wall as an example of a tactic that “works” is suggestive of the fact that she: a) is not familiar with the complexities behind the Berlin Wall and b) is unable to recognize the negative consequences of the Berlin Wall.

In 2016, Crowley wrote the following:

“Islam is no mere religion…It therefore requires that we fight this war the way we fought the Nazis in World War II and Soviet communists during the Cold War: comprehensively and strategically, with every available military, economic, ideological, diplomatic, cyber- and religious lever. We must stop [Islam] before it metastasizes further and fully consumes Western Civilization.”

By saying this, she has played into the “war against Islam” idea that many Americans seem to have. She has made Islam seem uncivilized and against Western civilization. It is clear that she would be willing to use any resources at her disposal to fight her war against Islam. As a member of the National Security Council, she will have resources and power.

Trump has elected another bigot and misinformed American to a position of power. And that is why you should be worried.

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