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#ThanksDonald Trends to Remind Us How Awful Trump Is

It’s pretty universally known that the president-elect of the United States has not been particularly welcomed by the social media world at large. Twitter, predominantly, has played a key role in exposing Donald Trump for his shortcomings and spreading awareness about how unfit he is to serve as our nation’s next commander in chief. Hashtags have trended, threads have been made, and articles have been written, but none of it proved to be enough to prevent him from being elected into the White House by the electoral college.

Well on Tuesday night, December 27, 2016, the hashtag “#ThanksDonald” began to trend nationwide. The hashtag itself seems to have two different sides. 1) Encourages Twitter users to sarcastically “thank” Donald Trump for being… well… awful. 2) Encourage Twitter users to genuinely thank Donald Trump. Disregarding the second, less truthful side, let’s look at the some highlights from the late Tuesday night trend.

Thanks Donald for helping bring out the worst in people!

Thanks Donald for setting the bar super low for future presidential candidates!

… and for setting the bar even lower!

Thanks Donald for teaching the youth to be racist, sexist, ignorant pigs!

And this one… well this one basically sums up all of our feelings towards the soon-to-be POTUS.

At this point, there’s nothing we can really do to prevent a Trump presidency. He’s going to be president. It’s no inevitable. But what we can do for the next four years is continue to push hashtags and movements such as #ThanksDonald to remind the U.S. public of how awful Trump is and how desperately we need to get rid of him.

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