Dear Antifeminists,
So you’re not a fan of feminism, huh? You might think feminists hate men and want to steal their jobs, or maybe you are one of those people who view feminism as a radical cult of women maliciously plotting to overthrow all men in power. Yikes.
Well, I got some news for you: the real goals of the feminist movement benefits everyone. Feminism is, by definition, the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. That is it. No intent to threaten men’s rights in any way, just simply wanting to be seen and treated as an equal. All these negative feelings antifeminists have towards a progressive movement are coming from predispositions, misconceptions and conditioned sexism.
Some of you are wondering: if it is a movement for equality of the sexes, why is the focus on women? Well, women are the group being oppressed here. I know a lot of people argue against feminism, stating gender equality has been achieved, but this is far from true. Women are treated as inferior to men consistently. In Western culture, discrimination against women may be less visible, but it is still deeply embedded within our society.
Female objectification and over-sexualizing are very present in today’s media. The idea that men can objectify women is implemented in one’s head, whether be it from song lyrics, music videos, advertisements or magazine articles.
Why is this such an issue? It encourages men to treat women as their objects, because that is the role given to women in the media. This conditioning makes sexual harassment and sexual violence a common issue. Statistics show that 65% of women have experienced street harassment, and 1 of 3 women experience sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexism is more often than not being subliminally promoted by our most beloved shows, song, and further media outlets. Women should be appreciated for their skills, characteristics, and talents rather than their bodies.
Here is what feminism does: it is a movement that fights for the rights of all women, everywhere. Some of the issues feminism tackles includes reproductive rights, domestic violence, employer discrimination, equal pay and sexual violence. It is important to remember that one woman may be facing a different oppressor than another. Women in some countries face awful conditions such as genital mutilation and forced marriages.
Feminism is a valuable concept because it not only tackles issues women have in common, but, ideally, it can unite women and help voice fellow females struggling with racial discrimination, ableism, homophobia and other oppressors. Make sure you remember how complex and unique each of these individuals’ struggles are, especially if you are someone who has the audacity to argue feminism is not necessary.
To the women who are antifeminist, please reconsider standing by other women. The need for feminism may not be apparent to you, but for many women across the globe, it is.
If you are afraid to identify as a feminist because it will upset a man, isn’t that an example of why equality is so necessary?
Finally, to the men who are antifeminist, know that this cause will benefit men and women alike. Feminism is challenging gender roles that stereotype men as strong, alpha-like superiors. That is working towards ending the view that men who display their emotions are “girly” or “weak.” It also allows males who are abuse victims or mentally ill to seek help without shame or fear of losing their “manliness”.
If you decide to continue bashing feminism, know that our activism will continue to grow and change will eventually happen. Do not fear the liberation of women, it is beneficial for all of us.
A Proud Feminist