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How To Have Fun On New Years Eve As An Introvert

So maybe you got invited to some New Year’s Eve parties this year, or maybe you didn’t. Maybe you don’t want to be rude, but there’s really nothing that you can think of that would be worse than going to a New Year’s Eve party. There’ll just be so many people there. It’s not anything personal against the people at the party; it’s not their fault parties are so draining. Maybe you already had plans to binge watch your favorite show on Netflix or hang out with a few friends at home.

Sound like you? That’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with being an introvert, even on New Year’s Eve. I know there’s so much pressure on New Year’s Eve to have fun and party all night, but if you just don’t have the energy for that, it’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with you for not wanting to do that and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

Some people have certain expectations for New Year’s Eve: a big party, a lot of sparkles and glitter, a kiss at midnight as the ball drops, a massive headache in the morning. For some people, that version of New Year’s Eve is great; it’ll be one of the best nights of their year (and after the almost complete train wreck 2016 has been, they deserve it). For other people, that version of New Year’s Eve is nothing more than a final awful night in an awful year. If there’s one widespread expectation about New Year’s Eve that’s true for everyone, it’s that it should be a night you have fun and celebrate the end of one year and the start of another (hopefully better) one.

Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram may make you feel like you’re missing out when you see everyone having what looks like a great time ringing in 2017. Try not to let that get you down about your own celebration and remind yourself that there’s not one correct way to celebrate the new year. Don’t let other people determine if you had a “lit” New Year’s Eve, or if you “wasted” the last night of 2016. It’s not up for them to decide.

So log into your ex’s Netflix account, pop some popcorn or order a pizza, grab your best friend (if you care for the companionship), and settle in to celebrate 2017 however you wish. Watch the parties from everyone’s Snapchat stories and be thankful you aren’t there.

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